Import Campus Card account information
This feature allows Campus Card account information to be imported into the CAS database and make CAS account assignments, use the CampusCardImport.exe utility located in the Tools subfolder of the Equitrac installation folder.
Create a CSV file that contains raw swipe data collected by the Card Swipe wizard and the Windows account name or User ID of a CAS account (one per line).
For example:
If the Campus Card system being used (e.g. Blackboard
and CBORD) does not provide an export feature to generate the CSV
file, you must create it manually.
From any directory on the Core Accounting Server, type the command:
CampusCardImport.exe -f filename [-c]
where -f filename is the CSV file to import (including the path to the file). The optional -c cleans old account records on CAS before importing the file.
This command imports the specified file into the Equitrac database.