License Information tab

Use this utility to view current license information for the Output Manager software. You do not manually enter data in this window; the data is displayed by the utility.

Before the license has been activated, the fields on this window are blank. After the license is installed, all fields are populated. The Output Manager components contained in the license are listed in the grid.

License Server

The URL for the ControlSuite license server that is configured in Configuration Assistant where this instance of OM will obtain the license.

License Server ID

The ID for the ControlSuite license server.

Last Updated on

Displays the date when the license server was updated with a license change from the back office.

Installation server

The OM server that installed the license from the license server and is responsible for the daily license validation checks. In a high availability system, the DBM server that is responsible for the OM instance license is displayed.

License applied

Displays the date when the license was applied to the OM instance from the Configuration Assistant.

License installed

Displays the date when the license was installed in the OM instance, either from the Configuration Assistant or from the Adjust Output Manager Instance Feature Allocation dialog box.

License refreshed

Displays the date when the OM instance was last validated, either when the DBM was restarted or on a 24-hour time update.

License Status

Displays the version number and if a license is activated, in grace period, or not installed.

License grid

Features — A list of the Output Manager features that are installed in the license for this OM instance.

Used — Indicates the quantity of the feature that is currently in use on this OM instance.

Allocated — Indicates the quantity of counted features allocated to this OM instance from the total quantity for this feature in the license server.

Expires — Specifies the date and time that the license for a specific component ends. Dates are displayed in the format mm/dd/yyyy or displayed as Permanent.

Validate License

This button validates the license loaded in Output Manager against the license stored in the license server.

Adjust License

This button opens the Adjust Output Manager Instance Feature Allocation dialog box to adjust the number of counted features allocated to an OM instance. Counted features are limited per the purchase in the license.

In a highly available system, the Output Manager Console must connect directly to the license Installation Server in order to adjust feature quantities.


This button updates the License Information tab with the latest information from the license installed in this OM instance.