Condition Tab

Use options in this dialog box to configure the output of OPBinder component in a workflow.

Option Description
Release Mode This group defines the release mode of the component, along with the release condition and the evaluation method for binding.
Bind Select Bind release mode to accumulate the pages of the input documents in one document based on the release conditions.
Release condition Enter the condition that determines when the component releases documents into the process. As long as the condition is evaluated to be FALSE, the component accumulates input documents and adds them to a temporary file. When the value of the condition changes to TRUE, the resultant document is passed to the further processing and the temporary directory is deleted. You can use an RRT to obtain a condition value from this or previous components. For example, when the RRT scheme is ~OBD::TotalCount~>=10, the document will be released when the number of pages in the document reaches or exceeds 10. If the value of the condition is TRUE and the component receives a document, it will be simply passed to the next component rather than being bound to subsequent documents. The syntax of the release condition is the same as for activation (see Conditional fields under Appendices). You can initially set the condition to FALSE and then change it manually to TRUE after all documents are accumulated.
This field is active only in Bind mode.
Check after adding each page The component will add the document page by page and check the condition after adding each page. Otherwise, the condition will be evaluated after the whole input document is added to the temporary file. For example, if you have input documents with different number of pages and want the output documents to have the same number of pages, you can select this option and set the release condition like this ~OBD::TotalCount~=10. If you do not select this option, the release condition might never be satisfied.
This check box is active only in Bind mode.
Split Select Split release mode to split the input documents into several smaller documents based on volume thresholds.
Release file based on volume thresholds This group contains volume thresholds on the output file. For Bind mode, these are optional thresholds to avoid the situation of an incorrect release condition (which cannot be satisfied, for example, or which is too specific), in which the output file will grow indefinitely. If these options are used, the document will be released after or before one of the limits is reached regardless of whether the release condition is met or not.
This group is optional for Bind mode and always active in Split mode.
After exceeding any threshold The document will be released when reaching or after exceeding any of the threshold values.
This option is active only in Bind mode.
Before reaching any threshold The document will be released before or when reaching any of the threshold values.
Page count threshold Enter the desired page count limit for the output document. You can use an RRT from this or previous components (except Total page count: ~OBD::TotalCount~ and File size: ~OBD::FileSize~)
The minimum value for page count is 1.
File size threshold Enter the desired file size limit for the output document. You can use an RRT from this or previous components (except Total page count: ~OBD::TotalCount~ and File size: ~OBD::FileSize~)
The minimum value for file size is 1 byte. The maximum value for PDF file size is INT64_MAX. The maximum value for TIFF file size is INT_MAX. As the size of TIFF files is limited to 4GB (4294967295 bytes) the OPBinder component automatically releases (without user interaction) the created temporary TIFF file when its size is approaching 4GB. A notification about this is displayed on the Status Monitor and appears in the log.

Details view

The details view offers a summary of the selected choices. The caption includes the release mode (Bind or Split) and the evaluation mode (document processing or page-by-page processing). Subsequently, the relevant release conditions are enumerated individually.

Release condition examples

Release the document when its size exceeds 1MB

The condition should be "greater or equal" and not simply "equal", because file size is rarely equal to a specified number. In this case, you could use the condition ~OBD::FileSize~>=1073741824.

Release the document when its number of pages reaches 10

Make sure that the number of pages can be reached. For instance, if you add only 2-page documents, every 5 files will amount to one 10-page document. If you have only 3-page documents, then they will never attain 10 pages.

  • To split documents by pages, you can use the condition ~OBD::TotalCount~=10 and select the Check after adding each page option.

  • To avoid splitting documents, you can use the condition ~OBD::TotalCount~>=10 to assure that documents do not get stuck.

Release the document on a specific date

To release a document on Christmas day, you could use the condition (~OBD::%m~=12) & (~OBD::%d~=25).

Use RRTs of preceding components

When the FTP Poll component captures files from an FTP location, you can use the condition "~FTP::FileName~"=="last.tiff" to release a captured file.