RRT Syntax

The RRT syntax specifies the identifier for an AutoStore component and a tag name associated with the component that determine the replacement value to be inserted in a field value at run time.

A Runtime Replacement Tag (RRT) has three components consisting of the three-character RRT identifier, a double-colon separator (::), and the Replacement Tag Name (RRTN). These are all contained between tilde (~) delimiters in the following format:

~ RRT_ID :: Replacement_Tag_Name ~

The following table describes each part of the syntax.

Segment Name Description
~ The tilde character (~) is a reserved character used to delimit the beginning and the ending of each RRT. You cannot use the ~ character anywhere else within an RRT. Characters that are not between ~ delimiters (before, after, or between RRTs) in a text box are interpreted as literal text.
RRT_ID The RRT ID consists of three characters that uniquely identify the component that owns an RRT. This is the component that is responsible for replacing the tags with the actual values. Every AutoStore component that supports RRTs has its own unique RRT ID.

The Replacement Tag Name (RTN) can be the name of the data collected from a content source (such as a device), environment data, or data generated by the component (for example, contents of an XML data field). The following types of RTN are currently supported:

Reserved Replacement Tag Name (RRTN)
Each component is allowed to create and maintain a set of reserved RTN or RRTN. Within the boundaries of each component reserved names have special meaning. Each component defines a list of RRTNs. For example, the Send To Folder component evaluates the following RRT at run time to return the input file name:
Field Replacement Tag Name (FRTN)

Some components that support user-defined fields allow the fields to be referenced between field delimiter characters (%). The following example allows replacement for a field called “Invoice Number” within the MYC component with the value of the field Invoice Number:

~MYC::%Invoice Number%~
Special Sets (SSRTN)

These are special set of characters providing you with useful information on the job such as document date, document time, and so forth. An SSRTN in an RRT is preceded by a single percent sign (%ssrtn). For example, the following RRT for the Send to Folder component would return the year in YYYY (2014) format:

Not all components support the SSRTN values. Look in documentation for a component to find if it supports SSRTNs.
:: Double colon characters (::) separate the RRT ID from the RTN. This separator appears between the component RRT ID and the RTN. The double colon is reserved. It is used only once in an RRT to separate the RRT ID and the Replacement Tag Name and cannot be used anywhere else in an RRT.