Connection Settings Tab

The Connection Settings Tab is only active when the component is activated on the main dialog. Otherwise, the contents of this tab are disabled. Select a connection type that you want to use:
  • SMTP Unencrypted
  • Graph API

SMTP configuration

Option Description
SMTP Server

Enter the appropriate SMTP Server network name or IP address. This SMTP Server is used for the confirmation email notification.

SMTP Port Specifies the port that the SMTP server uses to communicate with clients. For unencrypted connection, this option is initially set to the SMTP default port 25. For the SSL connection, the default port is 587.
User name

Specifies the user name to log on to the SMTP server.


Enter the password to log on to the SMTP server.

Graph Configuration

The Graph API connection type supports two different access modes: Delegation and Application.

In Application mode, the signed-in user is not needed; an administrator consents on behalf of the organization. This mode removes the need of setting up the application for each user one by one and users do not need to authorize one by one.

To set up Modern Authentication in your AutoStore components and use the component in Delegation mode, perform a configuration process that combines tasks in Token Vault, in the AutoStore Process Designer, and through the cloud provider. It is a complex process; therefore, it is advised you familiarize yourself with the high-level overview as well as individual configuration tasks. Before you start the configuration, follow the Token Vault instructions to carry out its installation. For more details, see Token Vault integration in the Install and Configure ControlSuite section..

Application Mode

In the case of Application mode, you must set the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret fields. Perform these steps in the AutoStore Process Designer after you successfully registered an Office 365 application through the Microsoft Identity Platform (Microsoft Entra ID) admin center.

Option Description
Tenant ID

Enter the Directory (Tenant) ID that was generated at the Microsoft Identity Platform (Microsoft Entra ID) admin center.

Client ID

Enter the Application (Client) ID that was generated at the Microsoft Identity Platform (Microsoft Entra ID) admin center.

Client Secret Enter the Client Secret value that was generated at the Microsoft Identity Platform (Microsoft Entra ID) admin center.

Delegation Mode

In the case of Delegation mode, you must set the Token Vault URL, the Token Vault Provider ID, and the Local User Account.

Option Description
Token Vault URL

Enter the full Token Vault path along with the port number.

Provider ID Enter the Provider ID that you have found on the configured Token Vault provider page.
Local User Account

Enter the user account that you used for login to Token Vault.