Export reports
Complete this procedure to export a report.
- View a report.
Export the report using one of the following methods:
- On the menu bar, click
You can choose one of the following formats: PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, XLS, CSV, text, or image.
, and then select the format for exported file. - On the toolbar, click the Export Document arrow,
and then select the format for exported file.
You can choose one of the following formats: PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, XLS, CSV, text, or image.
- On the menu bar, click
Depending on the format selected, you may be prompted to define format-specific
- PDF-specific export options
Page range Defines the pages which will be included in the complete file. Separate the pages with a comma, set a range of pages with a dash. Don't embed these fonts Defines the fonts not to be embedded in the complete file, to get a smaller file size. Separate the fonts with a semicolon. Images quality Specifies the required document's image quality level. The higher the quality, the bigger the file, and vice versa. Compressed Select to enable compression. Show print dialog on open Select, if desired. - You can also enter values for the Application, Author, Keywords, Subject, and Title fields.
- HTML-specific export options
Export mode The following modes are available: - The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without preserving the page-by-page breakdown.
- The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, while preserving page-by-page breakdown. In this mode, the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
- The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
Page range Defines the pages which will be included in the complete file. Separate the pages with a comma, set a range of pages with a dash. Page border color Specifies the color for the page border from the available palettes. Page border width Defines the width of page borders. Title Specifies the required document title. Character set Defines the character set for your HTML document. - You can also select the appropriate check box to remove carriage returns.
- MHT-specific export options
Export mode The following modes are available. - The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.
- The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode, the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
- The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
Page range Defines the pages which will be included in the result. Separate page numbers with commas; set page ranges using hyphens. Page border color Specifies the color for the page border from the available palettes. Page border width Defines the width of page borders. Title Specifies the required document title. Character set Defines the character set, which will be used in the exported document. - You can also select the appropriate check box to remove carriage returns.
- RTF-specific export options
Export mode The following modes are available. - The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.
- The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode, the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
- The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
Page range Defines the pages which will be included in the result. Separate page numbers with commas; set page ranges using hyphens. - You can also select the appropriate check box to include watermarks in the exported document (if they exist).
- XLS-specific export options
Show grid lines Select, if it is required to show grid lines in the resulting XLS file. Export values using their format Select, if it is required to preserve the format of values. Export hyperlinks Select this option to export hyperlinks. Sheet name Defines the sheet name. - CSV-specific export options
Text separator Defines a text separator (comma by default). Encoding Defines the encoding used in the exported document. - You can also specify whether to quote strings with separators.
- TXT-specific export options
Text separator Defines separator text (TAB by default). Encoding Specifies the encoding to be used in the exported document. - You can also specify whether to quote strings with separators.
- Image-specific export options
Image format Specifies one from the available image formats to export a document: BMP, EMF, WMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG or TIFF. Resolution (dpi) Defines the required image resolution. Export mode The following modes are available. - The Single file mode allows export of a document to a single file, without dividing the output into pages.
- The Single file page-by-page mode allows export of a document to a single file, divided into pages. In this mode, the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
- The Different files mode allows export of a document to multiple files, one for each document page. In this mode, the Page range, Page border color and Page border width options are available.
Page range Defines the pages which will be included in the result. Separate page numbers with commas; set page ranges using hyphens. Page border color Specifies page border color. Page border width Defines the width of page borders.
- In the Save As dialog box, choose where you want to save the exported file and enter a File name.
- When prompted whether to open the exported file, click Yes if you want to preview the exported file.