Image Processing tab

Use the options in this tab to process the image.

Option Description

Select this check box to activate the image management configuration.


Select this check box to automatically deskew pages that are scanned with a slant. Click the browse button (...) to configure settings for this option.

Fast deskew
Select this check box to rotate the image clockwise or counter clockwise.
  • Threshold angle — If the original image is skewed by an amount that is between Minimum and Maximum then the image is rotated. However, if the original image skew angle does not fall between the Minimum and Maximum range, the image is not rotated at all.
  • Document type — Different rotation algorithm is applied depending on whether the image is Text only image or Text and pictures image.
  • Fill areas exposed after rotation — Select this check box to fill the exposed areas of the rotated image with black after the deskew operation.
  • Detect lines — This option helps the proper alignment of the documents on the scanned image, thus improves the OCR accuracy. This option is useful in case of processing scanned images of smaller size documents, for example receipts.
    If this check box is selected, the Treshold angle must not be selected.
Precision deskew
Clear the Fast deskew check box for more advanced deskew options.
  • Threshold angle — If the original image is skewed by an amount that is between Minimum and Maximum then the image is rotated. However, if the original image skew angle does not fall between the Minimum and Maximum range, the image is not rotated at all.
  • Deskew angle — Rotate the image if the original image is skewed up to this Maximum angle. The maximum rotation is limited to 45 degrees in either direction.
  • Precision — This parameter lets you control the granularity precision by which the deskew operation is performed. To improve the quality of deskew operation, set this parameter to a smaller value. The precision cannot be more than the Deskew Angle.
  • Interpolation when rotating — Interpolation is an imaging method to increase or decrease the number of pixels in a digital image. How smoothly images appear without introducing jaggies depends on the sophistication of the interpolation algorithm. You can choose the Bilinear or Bicubic algorithm, or None for no interpolation when rotating the image.
  • Document type — Different rotation algorithm is applied depending on whether the image is Text only image or Text and picture image.
  • Fill areas exposed after rotation — Select this check box to fill the exposed areas of rotated image with black after the deskew operation.

Select this check box to remove undesired dots and speckles from black and white images, such as FAX transmissions or scanned documents.

Smooth text

Select this check box to smooth and fill in patchy black and white images.

Trim edges

Select this check box to trim blank space from the edges of scanned documents. Click the browse button (...) to set the threshold for the Trim edges option.

Remove dots

Select this check box to remove dots and speckles of various sizes. Click the browse button (...) to specify maximum dot height and width. This is similar to the Despeckle option, although it allows more control as to which dots to remove. Certain images might have larger dots that would not be removed by the despeckle option.

There is possibility of removing certain portions of an image if you set the maximum dot height and width too high.
Remove hole punches

Select this check box to remove hole punch marks from a black and white image. Click the browse button (...) to specify maximum hole punch height and width and the hole punch location. Hole punches can be located at top, bottom, left or right of the image. The default hole punch location is set to left side of the image.

Remove lines

Select this check box to remove unwanted horizontal and/or vertical lines in a black and white image by specifying the line attributes. Click the browse button (...) to specify minimum and maximum line widths and the line orientation. The Max line width can be configured to be between 0 and 0.1 inch. The default orientation is horizontal.

Remove borders

Select this check box to remove black borders from black and white images. This occurs often when the scanned document is smaller than the resulting scanned image.

Click the browse button (...) to set parameters for border removal:

  • White noise specifies the amount of white noise tolerated when determining the border.
  • Border variance specifies the mount of variance tolerated in the border.  The value should be higher the more the border varies in thickness.
  • Border area specifies the percentage of the page from each edge that is designated as the search area for borders to remove.
Remove empty pages

Select this check box to remove pages that do not have any text or images. An empty does not mean a uniformly white page (or any other color) page. Click the browse button (...) to specify content that can be ignored when the Professional Image Management component determines whether a page is blank. You may find that one of the two following methods works better than the other.

Use basic empty page detector

Choose this empty page detection method to use basic detection. This may work better for images that are primarily graphic rather than textual.

Option Description
Ignore noise on page Select this check box to allow noise on blank pages. Image noise is random variation of brightness or color information not present in imaged object. This is cleared by default.
Ignore lines on page Select this check box to allow lines on blank pages. This is cleared by default.
Ignore bleed-through on page Select this check box to allow bleed-through on blank pages. This is cleared by default.
Ignore page area outside defined margins (in pixels) Select this check box to allow content outside of specified margins on an otherwise blank page. This is cleared and the margins are all set to 0 by default.
Required detection accuracy (percentage) You can adjust the blank page detection accuracy if not all blank pages are being detected. For example, if detection occurs at 98.4% accuracy, you can set this to 98% to allow processing to complete normally. The default is 100%.
Use OCR empty page detection
Choose this empty page detection method to use Optical Character Recognition detection. This may work better for images that are primarily textual rather than graphic.
Option Description
Ignore page area outside defined margins (in pixels) Select this check box to allow content outside of specified margins on an otherwise blank page.
Sensitivity This is an abstract sensitivity scale. You can adjust it up or down depending on results. The default is 50.

The Remove empty pages options can be used in multipage TIFF files and does not apply to any other supported formats of this component.

Remove first page

Select this check box to remove the first page from the image. Note that this option takes precedence over other options.

Auto binarization

Select this check box to convert the image into a binary format. The supported file types for the image are PDF and TIFF.

PDF Load Options
  • Use the same horizontal and vertical — Select this check box to use only one value for both horizontal and vertical resolutions.
  • Horizontal resolution (DPI) and Vertical resolution (DPI) — These combo boxes allow you to set up horizontal and vertical resolution of opened files in DPI. You can enter the value manually or select one of the predefined values: 72, 96, 150, 200, 300, or 600. The default value is 150 DPI for both vertical and horizontal resolutions.
  • Color depth (BPP) — Set up color depth of PDF documents manually or select one of the predefined values: 1, 8, or 24. For example, 24 BPP (bits per pixel) denotes true color images, 1 BPP denotes black-and-white images. The default value is 24 BPP.
  • Text anti-aliasing (bits) — Enter the level of text anti-aliasing manually or select one of the predefined values: 1 (means no anti-aliasing), 2, or 4 (gives maximum anti-aliasing). The default value is 4 bit.
  • Graphic anti-aliasing (bits) — Enter the level of graphics anti-aliasing manually or select one of the predefined values: 1 (means no anti-aliasing), 2, or 4 (gives maximum anti-aliasing). The default value is 1 bit.