DocuShare form

This type of form allows users to browse document libraries, folders and list values at the device. A Send to DocuShare form is commonly used in conjunction with the DocuShare eConnector and route components.

This form is available only for Fujifilm and Xerox devices.

A Docushare form can be added by clicking any group or menu node, and then clicking Add Form > Send to DocuShare Form on the menu bar.

Refer to the Basic Form Options to configure settings on the General, Fields, and Components tabs.

Option Description
Server Address

Enter the URL of the DocuShare Server where to store the documents. The URL can contain "http://" or "https://" followed by the server name or IP address. For example, "http://dsserver" or "".

If you enter only the server address, for example dsserver, the component inserts "http://" before the server address.

The URL must be in the following format: {protocol}://{server_name}:{port}/docushare


  • "protocol" is a web protocol used for accessing the server.

  • "server_name "is the name of the host machine where the server is running. You can specify the full machine name with its domain, or just the name without domain. You can use IP address of the host machine instead of its name.

  • "port" is a port number used by the server for communicating with its clients. It can be omitted. The usual port is 8080.

The following examples provide sample references:

  • http://myserver:8080/docushare

  • https://my-docushare/docushare


User Name Enter the name of the DocuShare user account connecting to the server. This is a required value.
User Password Enter the password for the specified user name.
Domain Enter the domain name if the DocuShare site uses the LDAP add-on.
Document Library
Prompt for document title Select this check box to allow the user at the device console to provide the title to be displayed by DocuShare.
Default Collection

Specify the collection ID in the following format:

Collection-{id}, where id is an identifier of the desired collection on the server.

You can specify it manually, or click the browse button (...) to open the Select Collection dialog box and select the path to the container or folder to store the documents. After the dialog box is closed, the ID of the selected collection is displayed.

The repositories in which documents and other objects are stored are called collections. The administrator determines the initial set of containers and collections that appear on the DocuShare home page.

In DocuShare Server versions 6.0 CPX and later, you can send documents to the workspaces or custom collections created on the DocuShare server by the users.

You can use RRTs in this text box. The RRT should be replaced with a value of the collection in "Collection-id" format, otherwise documents will be rejected.

Allow user to change Collection To allow the user to change the collection at run time, select the this check box. This check box is disabled if you manually type a collection ID rather than selecting a collection in the Collections tree.
Default Document Type

Enter the default type of documents to be stored into the server manually, or expand the list to select an available type. The component supports the following document types:

  • Document and its clones

  • MailMessage

  • Project

If you select the MailMessage document type, the component sends a mail to the DocuShare server at run time.

If an invalid document type is used, such as a document type that does not exist on the DocuShare server or not supported by the component, the configuration can be saved, but at run time an error message is displayed and the process fails.
Allow user to change Document Type To allow the user to specify a different document type at run time, select this check box.