Enable default billing code for User Dashboard

Users are able to set a default billing code for their transactions. Depending on how Billing code access is configured in Web System Manager, users may not have access to all billing codes. You must choose a global access level for the billing codes that determine which billing codes the users can access. For more information, see Enable system-wide billing code access.

To determine to billing codes that users can access, do the following:

  1. In System Configuration, select Global Configuration Settings > User Interaction > Billing Code Access, Cashier Behavior and Error Notification.
  2. Select on the following billing code access options:
    • All codes - Users can charge transactions to any billing code.
    • Only codes assigned to user's department - Users can charge only those billing codes defined for the departments to which they belong.
    • Only codes assigned to user - Users can charge to only those billing codes assigned to their user accounts.
    • Codes assigned to user or user's department - Users can only charge to those billing codes assigned to their user accounts, or the departments to which they belong.
  3. Click Apply.
The Exclude codes with no balance and Show most recently used codes at the top of search results options do not affect the default billing code in User Dashboard.