Fields tab

Use this tab to configure a list of fields used to collect metadata about the documents.

The values of the fields will be passed to the subsequent components in the workflow process as Field Replacement Tag Names (FRTNs).

To add a new field, type a field Name in the last row of the table marked with the asterisk (*). To delete a field, click in the first column to select the row, and then press the Delete key.

Name Description
Name Type the name of the field. The name can be any combination of alphanumeric characters. Special characters (for example, ~, !, @, #, $, %) are not allowed. The maximum number of supported characters for this field is 64.
Display Type an alternative text to represent the field on the Web UI page. If Display column is left empty, the field name will be used instead. The maximum number of supported characters for this field is 23.
Type Choose how the data for the field will be collected by selecting an option from the Type column.  The following field types are supported:
  • Backend Browser: use this type to allow users to dynamically select a folder to upload the documents.
  • Button: use this type to allow users to create custom buttons on the form.
  • Checkbox: use this type to allow users to set yes/no or true/false values by adding or removing a check mark from a check box.
  • Date: use this type to allow users to enter date values based on selected date formats.
  • Label: use this type to allow users to create a static text on the form.
  • List: use this type to present users with a list of choices from which users select the desired item.
  • Lookup List: use this type to allow users to dynamically retrieve values from an ODBC Data Source.
  • Numeric: use this type to allow users to enter numeric values.
  • Popup Input: use this type to show a pop-up message that allows users to enter some data.
  • Popup Message: use this type to show a pop-up window with a message on a form.
  • Signature: use this type to allow users to add signatures to uploaded documents. Signature field type can also be used to attach images. See the Extended Field Property Manager section for information on how to configure an image field.
  • Text: use this type to allow users to enter unformatted text into a text box such as sentences, names, numbers, date, and time.
  • Tree: use this type to present users with a list of choices in a tree from which users select the desired item.
(required) Select the Required check box if you want to make this field required.
(hidden) Select the Hidden check box to hide the field.
(notify server)

Select the Notify server when field changes check box to make the field trigger an event when the value of the field changes.  You can respond to this event in the script that was configured for the dynamic form section on the General tab.  For details on how to respond to form and field events refer to the Interactive Capture Scripting Documentation.

Not supported for Backend Browser fields.

(extended properties)

Configure the extended properties of a field by clicking the browse button (...) in this column. This displays Extended Field Properties, where you can configure the extended properties for the selected field.

Not supported for Backend Browser fields.

(properties) Configure the properties of a field by clicking the browse button (...) in this column. This displays a properties window based on the field type:

Prepopulate field content via URL

It is also possible to use a URL to prepopulate form fields with specified content, using the format https://localhost:3290/?Field1=any desired content&Field2=othercontent.

Use /? to begin query parameters acting as prepopulated field assignments. Use & as a separator between field assignments. Use = to assign a value to a field. To prepopulate a field with a list, seperate list entries with a semicolon (;). Field identifiers and the desired content can contain spaces.

For example: https://localhost:3290/?field 1=desired content1&field 2=listelem1;listelem2....&field n=desired content n

Either the field's Name or Display text from the configuration panel can be used to designate a field in the URL. For example, if you have a field with the Name "text" and Display value "This is a text", and another field with the Name "list" and Display value "List", the following examples are equivalent:

  • https://localhost:3290/?text=Example content&list=a

  • https://localhost:3290/?This is a text=Example content&List=a

Moreover, if the field named "list" contains a list item value "a" with the label "Element A", the sample URIs can also be written:

  • https://localhost:3290/?text=Example content&List=Element A

  • https://localhost:3290/?This is a text=Example content&list=Element A

The specified content will be prefilled on all forms where the field names exist, regardless of type. In other words, if two forms have fields with the same name, but the fields are of different types, both will be prefilled with the value defined in the URI.

Supported field types

  • Text (single and multiline)
  • Checkbox (0 or 1)
  • Date
  • List
    • Simple dropdown
    • Control lists like radio buttons and checkboxes
    • Single- and multi-selection behaviors
  • Lookup list (Limitation: In this case, the feature uses only the pre-loaded lists and does not use the whole database)
  • Numeric fields