Import devices

Equitrac allows several devices to be imported at one time by using a comma separated (CSV) file using a special syntax providing device properties.

Equitrac provides a sample CSV file installed with the product where the syntax of the CSV file is described in details with sample lines. You can study this file to learn how to create your own CSV file or you can add your own data to the sample CSV file and import it. You can edit the CSV file with a simple text editor or any application with CSV file editing capability (e.g. Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel).

You must edit the values in the CSV file for physical devices and external print queues prior to importing into Web System Manager.

The following table lists the properties of different device types which are used by the device import functionality.

Physical Device External Print Queue
  • Name
  • IP address
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Color
  • Location
  • Pull group
  • Description
  • Type (RAW, LPR or IPP)
  • Port/Queue
  • Notification pages
  • Hardware page counting enablement
  • Name
  • DCE server
  • Type (InfoPrint, SEAL, VPSX)
  • InfoPrint sources/VPSX URIs/SEAL source server URIs
  • SEAL user prefix
  • VPSX/SEAL destination printer URI