Set up the database

Web Deposit stores and retrieves its configuration data and transaction logs in its own database. Web Deposit does not create its database automatically when it first starts, and it must be created and configured before it can be accessed by an Equitrac user. Equitrac provides the Web Deposit Setup Tool to create the database.

The tool creates and upgrades the Web Deposit database to the latest version, and sets the connection information of Web Deposit.

Elevated administration rights are required to start the setup tool.

To create and configure the Web Deposit database, do the following:

  1. Open a command prompt as Administrator.
  2. Enter the navigation path to the Web Deposit Setup tool (e.g. C:\Program Files\Kofax\Equitrac\WebClient\bin>WebDepositSetup.exe -h).
    C:\Program Files\Kofax\ folder is the default installation folder, but the Setup tool can be in a different location based on how it was set in the Install Assistant.
  3. Create a database for SQL or Windows authentication.
    The ’-h’ command line parameter opens the command help to describe the available parameters. Use the parameters to set up Web Deposit.

Web Deposit can be configured to connect to its database with SQL or Windows authentication. When using SQL authentication an SQL user should be created on the SQL server with read and write access for the Web Deposit database, and that user account should be provided to the Web Deposit Setup Tool using the ‘dbuser’ parameters.

When using Windows authentication the user of the ‘Equitrac’ application pool in IIS should be set to a Windows user who can connect to the SQL server and has read and write access roles for the Web Deposit database.

SQL authentication example:

C:\Program Files\Kofax\Equitrac\WebClient\bin>WebDepositSetup -servername:<servername>\SQLEXPRESS -dbcreatorauth:WIN -dbuserauth:SQL -dbuseruserid:<userid> -dbuserpassword:<password>

Windows authentication example:

C:\Program Files\Kofax\Equitrac\WebClient\bin>WebDepositSetup -servername:<servername>\SQLEXPRESS -dbcreatorauth:WIN -dbuserauth:WIN