Configure scan destinations

Equitrac supports sending scans to email, network folders, RightFax servers and SharePoint servers via Equitrac controlled devices. RightFax and SharePoint servers need to be configured with login credentials and applicable server names or URLs in System Manager in order for users to access these servers to get their documents.

Scan Destinations must be configured for RightFax, SharePoint and Scan to folder. However, Scan Destination setup is not required if RightFax or SharePoint servers are not being used.

To configure RightFax and SharePoint server scan destinations, do the following:

  1. In System Configuration, select Global Configuration Settings > Workflows and Scanning > Scan Destinations.
    When the Scan destinations page first opens, default SharePoint and RightFax server destinations are displayed. The server information and login credentials for the default destinations can be edited, however the name cannot be changed. Additionally, custom destinations can be created.
  2. To configure a SharePoint scan destination, click Edit icon to open the Edit Scan Destination dialog box.
    1. Enter a Name for the destination. If using the default, the name cannot be changed.
    2. Select SharePoint from the Type drop-down list. If using the default, the type cannot be changed.
    3. Enter the Login and Password credentials.
    4. Enter the URL for the SharePoint server including the scan destination folder. (e.g. http:// <sharepoint_server>/Folder/QA.) The SharePoint URL must contain the server name, and cannot be in the form of the server’s IP address.
      Equitrac does not automatically create folders on SharePoint servers; and the folders must already exist in order for them to be used as scan destinations. The system administrator must set the appropriate permissions for the Equitrac service user on the scan destination folder in order for scans to be successfully uploaded to the SharePoint server.
    5. Click OK to close the Scan destination definition dialog box.
  3. To configure a RightFax scan destination, click Edit icon to open the Edit Scan Destination dialog box.
    1. Enter a Name for the destination. If using the default, the name cannot be changed.
    2. From the Type drop-down list select RightFax. If using the default, the type cannot be changed.
    3. Enter the RightFax Server name.
    4. Enter the Userid and Password credentials.
    5. From the Post transactions as drop-down list select either One transaction (scan only) or Multiple transactions (one scan and multiple fax).
    6. Select the Cover sheet default checkbox to include a cover sheet with the fax.
    7. Click OK to close the Scan destination definition dialog box.
  4. Click Apply to save the Scan destinations.
When scanning to SharePoint, the default behavior is to overwrite an existing file of the same name. In order to maintain multiple copies of these files, the versioning feature must be enabled in SharePoint. When versioning is enabled, further scans with the same name are appended with an increasing value. (e.g. Filename, Filename001, Filename002). Refer to the SharePoint documentation for setup details.

There can be multiple RightFax and SharePoint servers available as scan destinations. Once a destination server is configured, it is added to the Destination drop-down list in the scan workflows configuration dialog box. See Configuring Workflows for details.