
Send an email notification when a license status changes

After Output Manager has installed and activated a license from the license server, Output Manager will validate the features in the license server once a day or when the DBM is started.

If the features in the license server are not consistent with what was initially installed or if the features might have expired, then the Output Manager license will be placed into a 30-day grace period. When the grace period expires, the license will stop working.

You can set up an email notification to notify the administrator in the event that Output Manager enters the 30-day grace period. This allows the administrator to determine the problem with the license or contact support for assistance. After receiving a notification, a good practice is to check the License Information screen in the Administration section of the Output Manager Console, to verify the license details.

If Output Manager can refresh a license from the license server that is consistent with the installed license, then the license will automatically be reactivated.

To set up and send an email notification when a license status changes, do the following:

  1. In the Output Manager Console, click Administration.
  2. Click ... next to the System notification profile field.
  3. In the Manage Notification Profiles window, click New.
  4. In the New Notification Profile window, click the arrow button next to Add and select License Status.
  5. In the Notification Editor window, enter the following information:
    1. Select Email Message and the profile to send the email notifications.
    2. Click Add to select which recipients will receive the email notifications.
    3. Choose how often you want the Output Manager database to check for license issues by selecting the hours, minutes, and seconds.
    4. Choose how often you want the recipients to receive the email notifications by selecting the hours, minutes, and seconds.
    5. In the Subject field, keep the default text or add a customized subject line.
    6. In the Message field, the default message includes placeholders that will include the name of the license server, the status for the license (the license is in a grace period), and how many days remain in the grace period. You can also add a customized message.
    7. Click OK.
  6. Click OK, then Close to return to the Administration screen.