Component RRTs

Component RRT ID

The RRT ID for the Tungsten Printix Capture component is PCA.

Reserved Replacement Tag Names (RRTN)

The following table describes the reserved RTN values for this component.

RRTN Tag Description
File Name ~PCA::FileName~ The name of the captured file.
Job ID ~PCA::JobId~ The original ID of the job.
Device ID ~PCA::deviceId~ The original ID of the device.
Device Location ~PCA::deviceLocation~ The location of the device.
Device Model Name ~PCA::deviceModelName~ The model name of the device.
User Name ~PCA::userName~ The username of the authenticated user of Printix Cloud that is submitting document(s).
User Email ~PCA::userEmail~ The email address of the authenticated user of Printix Cloud.
Workflow Name ~PCA::workflowName~ The original name of the Printix workflow.
Workflow Start Time ~PCA::workflowStartTime~ The date and time in UTC/GMT standard when the workflow was started in Printix Cloud.