Using the Data Conversion Utility
Complete this procedure to convert data formats.
Most users will not have to convert data formats. If you think this
conversion is necessary, please contact Support to ensure
the data is converted properly.
To convert data formats, you must create a DCO (Data Conversion Object) chain. DCO chains consist of an input format and an output format. The available output formats vary depending on the input format selected. You can also set specific DCO parameters depending on your needs.
Open the Data Conversion Utility.
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the C:\Program Files\Nuance\Output Manager folder. Double-click EomBackupDatabase.exe.
Click Select Chain.
This opens the Select DCO Chain dialog box.
Select the Input format and Output format from the drop-down lists, and click
Pairing an input format with an output format creates a chain. This chain is displayed in the Current chain box. The DCOs available for each format are displayed in the Registered DCOs box. Refer to the DCO descriptions table for a description of each DCO.
Under Registered DCOs, select the DCOs you want to add, and then click >.
This will add the selected DCOs to the Current chain box. If necessary, you can import DCOs to appear in the Registered DCOs box. Click Import and navigate to the appropriate .dll file. This file will be copied to the DCO Library folder.
- To remove DCOs, under Current chain, select the DCOs you want to remove, and then click <.
- Click Move Up and Move Down to modify the processing order.
Click Save As to save your changes to the chain.
This opens the Save As dialog box.
To create a new chain, click Create new chain and type an Output format name.
The chain will be saved using the displayed Input format and the specified Output format. To overwrite the existing chain, click Replace existing chain. Click Save. If you overwrite an Output Manager default chain, the default will be modified and all jobs using that chain will be affected. Typically, you will save your changes to a new chain. You can reapply all of the default settings by clicking Restore Defaults. Restoring the defaults will not change any new chains you have created.
Set DCO parameters as necessary.
Parameter changes will be saved to the active chain.
Verify that you have the appropriate chain open before you modify your parameter settings.
Click Set Parameters.
This opens the Initialization Parameters dialog box.
- Under Chain selection, verify that the appropriate chain is selected. If the chain selection is incorrect, click Cancel and select the correct chain.
Click Add to add a new parameter, or click Modify to modify an existing
This opens the Parameter Settings dialog box.
Select an existing parameter Name from the drop-down list, or type a new name.
Refer to the DCO Parameters table for a description of the parameters and their appropriate values and types.
- Enter the parameter Value.
Select the parameter Type from the drop-down list.
If you select an existing parameter Name, this value will be selected for you.
Click OK.
This will save your parameter settings to the active DCO chain. To save you changes to a new chain, you must open the new chain and then reapply your parameter changes.
Click Set Parameters.