Advanced tab

Use this tab to customize the output of split documents.
Option Description
Output format Select the output file format. Available options are *.PDF and *.TIFF.
Export scenario Select the compression level of the output file:
  • Balanced - good image quality, smaller file size.
  • Best Image Quality - best image quality, large file size.
  • Minimum Size - low image quality, smallest file size.
  • Keep Original Quality - preserves the original compression level.
Use Mixed Raster Content (MRC) Enables the use of MRC in the output process.
Output version Select output PDF file version (1.4, 1.5, 1.6, or 1.7).
Resolution Specify resolution for the output file:
  • Keep original - Uses the original input file resolution.
  • 72 - Sets output file resolution to 72 DPI.
  • 100 - Sets output file resolution to 100 DPI.
  • 150 - Sets output file resolution to 150 DPI.
  • 200 - Sets output file resolution to 200 DPI.
  • 300 - Sets output file resolution to 300 DPI.
Image mode

Specify color compression for the output file:

  • Keep original - Uses the original input file color.
  • Black and White - Generates monochrome output file.
  • Grayscale - Generates grayscale output file.
  • Color - Generates color output file.
Detect orientation When checked, the OCR engine automatically detects the page orientation, and rotates it into portrait orientation.
Rotate by Use this dropdown to manually control page orientation:
  • No rotation - Uses the original orientation.
  • Rotate left - Rotates the page 90 degrees to the left.
  • Rotate down - Rotates the page 180 degrees.
  • Rotate right - Rotates the page 90 degrees to the right.
Import Click this button to migrate barcode settings for the task (multiple tasks require a separate migration for each). The results appear in a new dialog box, and can be saved into a text file with a .mlg extension.
Use checksum in Code 39 type. (Code 39 mod 43) When checked, the last character of Code 39 type bar codes is interpreted as checksum.
If the checksum fails, the barcode value is suppressed and it does not appear in the RRTs.
At zone size error

Zone size error occurs when the boundaries of the configured zone partially or completely exceed the boundaries of the processed page. Select one of the following actions to do if an error occurs:

  • Reject entire document: In case any zone size error is returned during processing, the entire document is rejected. This is the default value.
  • Skip invalid zones: If any invalid zones are identified, those faulty zones will be bypassed, and a warning message will be recorded in the AutoStore log. Select this option if error 0x8004C904 occurs.
    If the Skip invalid zones option is enabled, the document is processed while omitting certain zones; however, if a required zone is among those skipped, it takes precedence, leading to rejection of the document.

Customized output is only available if splitting is enabled via the General tab.