Add Destination dialog box

Use this dialog box to select the type of destination you want to add. After you select the destination type, a window will display showing all of the configuration options.

For more information, see Managing destinations.


Selects the type of destination you want to add.

Add new devices

Specifies the number of destinations you want to create. Administrators can create thousands of destinations and configure them simultaneously using bulk configuration. The destinations will be created in the selected destination group.

Import devices from configuration (.CSV) file

Imports a list of destinations into Output Manager. This is particularly useful if you have a database, spreadsheet, and so forth, that lists your existing equipment. You can save that document as a CSV file and then import it to create matching destinations in Output Manager.

To import, enter the path and file name of the configuration file or click the browse button (...) to navigate to the file. The imported destinations will be added to the selected destination group.