Send to SharePoint tab

Use this tab to configure the special settings of the SharePoint form fields.

This tab is only available in the Send to SharePoint Form Settings dialog box.
Option Description
Connection method

This combo box is enabled only when SharePoint version is 2010 or 2013.

Select the connection method which will be used for accessing the server. There are four available connection methods:

  • AutoStore Add-on Services
  • Native Services
  • Office 365 Services
  • Security Token Services

See more information on SharePoint connection methods in the SharePoint component documentation.

Credentials type

This combo box is is disabled when Security Token Services connection method is selected.

Select the authentication type for connecting to the server in this combo box. There are two authentication types available:

  • Windows authentication
  • Forms authentication

See more information on SharePoint connection methods in the SharePoint component documentation.

Cookie provider Enter the path to the custom cookie provider assembly that will be used for authenticating users during connection to the SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013 servers. Click the browse button (...) to navigate to the desired assembly.

This functionality is available only for SharePoint 2010/2013 servers and when Security Token Services connection method is selected.

See more information about custom cookie providers in the SharePoint component documentation.

Server address Enter the URL of the SharePoint server where the documents will be stored.

This field can contain an "http://" or "https://" prefix followed by the server name or IP address; for example, http://spserver or Alternatively, it can contain only the server address; for example, spserver-tl-en, in this case the component will insert "http://" before it automatically.

User name Specify the name of the user account that which will be used to log on to the server. If you use a domain user account to connect to the server, enter the username with the domain name; for example, ORGDOMAIN\SpUser. The local server users may enter only the username; for example, SpUser.
Password Enter the password of the user account specified in User name field.
Use authenticated user credentials Select this check box to use the credentials of the user, logged on to the Web UI, to access SharePoint. The user credentials that will be used to access SharePoint depend on the authentication method that is selected on the Authentication tab in the Interactive Capture settings dialog box:
  • Integrated Windows: the credentials of the currently logged in user will be used.
  • Active Directory: the credentials used to access the Web UI will be used.
  • LDAP: the credential used to access the Web UI will be used.
  • Custom script: in this case, you should define a password field with the name WinPassword and set the property UserName of the UserInfo object in the script. The values of this property and of the WinPassword field will be used as username and password to access SharePoint.
  • Microsoft Entra ID: the credentials used to access the Web UI will be used.

For more information, see Authentication tab.

If this option is selected, the username and password provided on this tab are used to access SharePoint only at configuration time.
When using this option, you can configure the Interactive Capture and SharePoint components by means of RRTs so that the documents are sent to the SharePoint server under the same user that logs on to the web form. To do this, select the Use authenticated user credentials check box, and specify the username in the SharePoint component configuration with the following RRT string: ~IAC::UserDomain~\~ŰIAC::UserName~. See Interactive Capture component RRTs for details.
Site Enter the name of the SharePoint site where you want to store the documents. You can do it manually, or select a value from the drop-down list. You can specify a subsite of the site by entering its name after the parent site name followed by "/"; for example, SubSite1/SubSite1_1.
Allow user to change site Select this check box to allow users to change the site on the Web UI.
Document library Select the name of the document library into which you want to send the documents. You can do it manually or by selecting a value from the drop-down list.
Allow user to change document library Select this check box to allow users to change the document library on the Web UI.
Default folder path The name of the default folder where the routed files will be stored, this can be done either manually or by browsing to the desired folder. Use the browse button next to the box to open the Select Folder dialog box.
Allow user to change folder Select this check box to allow users to change the folder on the Web UI.
Content type Enter the name of the default content type that will be associated to the document. You can do it manually, or by selecting a value from the drop-down list.
The user will be able to select Content type on the Web UI only if there is more than one content type assigned to the selected document library; otherwise, the content type will be assigned automatically.
Allow user to change content type Select this check box to allow users to change the content type on the Web UI.