Core Accounting Server

The Core Accounting Server (CAS) verifies users, calculates transaction charges, and assigns those charges to an appropriate user or group account. CAS calculates charges using page count and job attribute information received from the Document Routing Engine (DRE), along with printer costs defined by the administrator.

Every Equitrac installation requires a pre-installed database. CAS uses the database instance to create an accounts database that contains all printer, user, department, billing code, transaction, and balance information. The database can reside on the same machine as CAS, or on a separate server if needed. Refer to the Equitrac Requirements for information about supported databases.

For installations that support a large user base, or where you support remote locations, you may need to deploy multiple accounting servers. Although these accounting servers can function separately, you can uplink the subsidiary CAS to the master CAS. This allows the subsidiary servers to upload data to the master CAS, while also keeping a copy on its local server. You can then run consolidated reports on the master CAS to view transaction and account data from all CAS servers, or you can run reports on individuals’ servers. Refer to Running Consolidated Reports for details on how to uplink data.