Display Client Pop-up dialog box
Use this dialog box to configure the display options for the client pop-up.
Client pop-up general options
Use the check box options to specify the cost accounting pop-up settings. These settings determine what is displayed on the client pop-up window:
- Show document cost on pop-up
- Allow user to override document costs on pop-up
- Allow user to specify if document is billable
- Allow user to specify if document is personal
- Allow user to enter additional comments
- Comments are required. This check box is read-only unless the Allow user to enter additional comments check box is selected.
- Show account balance on pop-up
Select up to five billing lists to be displayed on the client pop-up
Use the grid to select and configure up to five billing lists to be displayed in the client pop-up window:
- Active column — Specifies that the rows with selected check boxes will be active.
- Caption column — Specifies the caption text that will be displayed on the client pop-up window.
- Input Type column — Specifies the input type that will be displayed on the client pop-up. You can select a type of Drop Down, Write In, or Drop Down with Write In.
- Billing List column — Specifies the billing list. Billing lists are configured in the Manage Billing Accounts Utility.
Custom message to user
Use this field to enter a customized message for the user.
Show this message for Workstation queues
Click this check box to show the custom message to the user on workstation queues. The custom message always displays on server queues.
Choose alternate destination
Use these options to select an alternate destination for server queues.
Reroute document to alternate destination — Select an alternate destination.
Allow user to decline rerouting — Allow the user to decline the alternate destination.
Allow user to adjust print preferences — Allow the user to change the print preferences for the alternate destination.
Allow user to adjust document properties
Allow user to change the document properties.
Configure Document Properties
Click this button to open the Configure Document Properties utility. This button is read-only unless the Allow user to adjust document properties check box is selected.