Upgrading Device Registration Service

This procedure describes how to upgrade the Device Registration Service software.

TLS and certificate settings are not preserved when upgrading DRS. It is recommended to back up and restore the following files: web.config, NSi.DeviceManagement.ServiceHost.exe.config and NSi.DeviceManagement.ConfigurationTool.exe.config.

Upgrading when the user has a local database

  1. Stop the DRS service.
  2. Back up the DRS_LDB.mdf and DRS_LDB_log.ldf files by copying them from C:\Program Files\Kofax\Device Registration Service\Service\ to a temporary location (that is, a folder on the desktop).
  3. Copy your existing Plugins folder(s) to a temporary location (that is, a folder on the desktop).
    1. Navigate in Windows to C:\Program Files\Kofax\Device Registration Service\Service\Plugins.
    2. Find the folder(s) with the name NSi.DeviceManagement.Plugins.xxx.
    3. Copy these folders into the folder on the desktop.
  4. Uninstall your existing version of DRS.
  5. Install the latest DRS version as described in Install Device Registration Service.
    Do not start DRS. You must restart your system for changes to Microsoft SQL Server to take effect. When prompted, you can click Yes to restart immediately or No to restart manually later.
  6. Copy DRS_LDB.mdf and DRS_LDB_log.ldf files from the folder on desktop to C:\Program Files\Kofax\Device Registration Service\Service.
  7. Copy the plugin folder(s) from the folder on the desktop to C:\Program Files\Kofax\Device Registration Service\Service\Plugins.
  8. Upgrade the DRS database:
    1. Grant Full permission to the local Users group on the DRS_LDB.mdf and DRS_LDB_log.ldf files located in the C:\Program Files\Kofax\Device Registration Service\Service folder.
    2. Right-click on the file and select Properties > Security and click Edit. In the Group or user names section, select Users.
    3. In the Permissions for Users section, for Full control, select Allow.
    4. Click Apply, then OK.
      Write access can be revoked once the upgrade tool completes.
    5. Run the DRS Database Upgrade Tool from C:\Program Files\Kofax\Device Registration Service\Service\NSi.DeviceManagement.Upgrade.exe.
  9. Start DRS service.
  10. Browse to DRS web page and verify that all devices, application and files are still present.