Windows RRT
The Windows RRT allows AutoStore workflows to access values from Windows environment variables that are defined on a system.
Environment variables provide information about drivers, network connections, application folders, and other program-related details. These variables are categorized as user variables and system variables. User variables are defined for the current user profile. System variables are defined by the operating system.
Environment variables are stored in the Windows registry (regedit.exe):
- User variables
- System variables
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
The RRT ID for the Windows RRT is WIN. The format for a Windows RRT is the following:
~ WIN :: VariableName ~
In place of VariableName, insert the name of an environment variable that is defined on your system. When you specify a user variable, it must belong to the user profile that will be running AutoStore workflows.
Standard environment variables
The following table lists standard built-in environment variables. Unless stated otherwise, all the following variables are system variables. There may be additional user variables available at run time.
Variable | Read-only | Default value (Windows 7/2008) |
ALLUSERSPROFILE | C:\ProgramData | |
CD | Yes | The current directory (string). This is a dynamic environment variable. The dynamic environment variables =C: and =D: expand to the current directory
on the C: drive and the D: drive, respectively (if the D: drive has been accessed in the current process).
ClientName | Yes | Computer name of a remote host (terminal servers only). |
CMDEXTVERSION | Yes | The current command processor extensions version number (Disabled: 0, otherwise: 2). This is a dynamic environment variable.† |
CMDCMDLINE | Yes | The original command line that invoked the command processor. This is a dynamic environment variable.† |
CommonProgramFiles |
COMPUTERNAME | Computer name of the local host. |
DATE | Yes | The current date using same region specific format as date. This is a dynamic environment variable.† |
ERRORLEVEL | Yes | The current error level value, automatically set when a program exits. This is a dynamic environment variable.† |
HOMEDRIVE | Yes | C: |
HOMEPATH | Yes | Home path for the current user profile:
LOCALAPPDATA | Application data folder for the current user profile:
LOGONSERVER | Network logon server for the operating system:
NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS | Yes | The Number of processors running on the computer. |
OS | Yes | Operating system on the workstation. |
PATH | User and system (C:\Windows\System32\;C:\Windows\;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;) plus program paths with semicolon separators. |
PATHEXT | Path extensions with semicolon separators:
PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE | Yes | Processor type of the host machine. |
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER | Yes | Processor ID of the host machine. |
PROCESSOR_LEVEL | Yes | Processor level of the host machine. |
PROCESSOR_REVISION | Yes | Processor version of the host machine. |
ProgramData | Program data folder:
ProgramFiles | Program files folder:
ProgramFiles(x86) | Program files folder used on 64-bit systems to store 32-bit program files:
PROMPT | Code for current command prompt format, typically:
PSModulePath set |
Public |
RANDOM | Yes | A random decimal number between 0 and 32767. This is a dynamic environment variable.† |
SessionName | For a terminal server session, SessionName is a combination of the connection name, followed by #SessionNumber. For a console session, SessionName returns Console. This is for terminal servers only. |
TEMP and TMP | User variable for the temporary file folder:
TIME | Yes | The current time using the UTC time format. This is a dynamic environment variable. If you want to use the regional time format, do the following:
UserDnsDomain | Yes | User variable set if a user is a logged on to a domain and returns the fully qualified DNS domain that the currently logged on user's account belongs to. |
user domain |
user name |