Filter dialog boxes
Use filter dialog boxes to check and manipulate input values.
Filter | Description |
Clean Up Filter dialog box | This filter transforms the input string by replacing all characters that are prohibited from appearing in file names in Windows with a specified string. |
Concatenate Filter dialog box | This filter is intended for joining several RRTs with another RRTs or with text strings. |
Contains Filter dialog box | This filter checks if the input string contains a specified substring. |
Ends With Filter dialog box | This filter checks if the input string ends with a specified suffix. |
Equals To Filter dialog box | This filter checks if the input string equals to a specified string. |
Evaluate Expression Filter dialog box | This filter calculates the value of a given expression. |
Format Date Filter dialog box | This filter converts a string containing date in the system date format into a string containing date in a custom date format. |
Format Time Filter dialog box | This filter converts a string containing time in the system time format into a string containing time in a custom time format. |
Lookup in DB Filter dialog box | This filter retrieves data from a database. |
Make Lower Case Filter dialog box | This filter converts the input string to lower case. |
Make Upper Case Filter dialog box | This filter converts the input string to upper case. |
Match Regular Expression Filter dialog box | This filter checks if the input string contains a substring that matches a specified regular expression. |
Parse CSV Filter dialog box | This filter retrieves the CSV record’s field values from the input string and generates RRT for each field value. |
Replace Filter dialog box | This filter replaces a specified substring within the input string with a given text. |
Split Filter dialog box | This filter splits the input string around specified single-character delimiters and generates RRT for each split parts. |
Starts With Filter dialog box | This filter checks if the input string starts with a specified substring. |
Trim Filter dialog box | This filter removes all leading and trailing white space symbols from the input string. |
Validate Filter dialog box | This filter is intended for validating metadata generated by other filters. |