Setup Zoned Barcodes dialog box

This dialog box allows you to set up zones in which the OmniPage Barcode component will search for barcodes.

To open the Setup Zoned Barcodes dialog box, click the Setup button on the General tab.

In the Setup Zoned Barcodes dialog box, you can load an image file, navigate through multiple page image file, draw zones around barcodes in images and set options for each zone. When you define zones, the OmniPage Barcode component ignores barcodes outside of the zones. This allows documents to be processed more efficiently. While you work in this dialog box, the status area at the right-top of the dialog box shows the number of zones applied to the image, the number of zones on the selected page.

If you are processing PDF documents and they do not get recognized barcode data, adjust the OCR page resolution to 300 DPI or higher.

Preview buttons

Buttons on the zone editor toolbar are used for previewing input images in the image pane.

Button Description

The zoom controls may be used for zooming the image in/out.

Use these buttons to set up image alignment: fit to screen, fit to width, fit to height.

Use this button to enter selection mode, in which you can select one or more zones.

Use this button to enter creation mode, in which you can create new zones.

The selected zones have to fulfil the following conditions:

  • The whole zone area lies within the page's OCR image area.
  • The whole zone area lies within the given image's area.
  • The top coordinate of the zone has lower values than the bottom coordinate.
  • The left coordinate of the zone has lower values than the right coordinate.
  • The zone does not overlap another zone.

Use this button to remove selected zones.

Preview Pane

The image pane displays the image for preview. Click and drag to draw zones around barcodes. You can include one or more barcodes in a scan. A zone should be at least slightly larger than barcode images that you want to include in it. You want to be careful to allow sufficient space for variation in positioning that can occur between images. To be detected by the OmniPage Barcode component during processing, barcodes should fit completely into a zone.


The options in this group allow you to select an image and a page for displaying in the preview pane.

Option Description
Image file

The path to the image file. Click the browse button (...) to locate an image.


Enter a page number to a page in a multipage image file. You can use backward and forward buttons to navigate between pages. These buttons are enabled only if a document contains more than one page.


This group contains the options for a selected zone.

Option Description

This box specifies the index number for the zone you want to configure. You can enter the index number of a zone in this box or click the zone in the image pane to select it.


Specifies the name of the zone that will appear in the search zones list on the General tab.

Pages tab

This tab contains options to specify on which pages in the input document that the component should search for the specified zone.

Option Description
Recognize zone on all pages

The component will look for barcodes in the zone on all pages of output documents. This option is set by default.

Recognize zone on odd pages only

The zone will be recognized only on odd pages of output documents.

Recognize zone on even pages only

The zone will be recognized only on even pages of the output documents.

Recognize zone on pages with numbers

The component will recognize the zone on specified pages of output documents.

When this property is selected, the text field is enabled and the user should specify the numbers of pages to recognize. It can be, for example, 2,4,6..9,11.. To specify a range, use ... When .. is specified at the end of the entry, it means to the last page.

And on the last page

This check box is enabled only if the Recognize zone on pages with numbers option is chosen. If this check box is selected, the zone will be recognized on the specified pages and on the last page of the output documents.

Validation tab

Use options on this tab to require validation of the values of the found barcodes. The barcodes whose values do not satisfy the validation criteria will be ignored.

Select the type of validation from the drop down list:

  • No validation: This option is set by default. Barcode values are not validated.
  • Contains something: This option allows validation to be stopped if there is no value returned from the zone.
  • Matches wildcard: This option allows using wildcard characters to validate barcode values.
    Wildcard Description
    * Any value of any length.
    ? Any single character.
    [A] Any single alphabetic character.
    [#] Any single numeric character.
    [A#], [#A] Any letter or number.
    If you want such symbols as * ? [ ] \ to be recognized as characters (not as wildcard characters), use combinations with slash: \*, \?, \[, \], \\. For example, if a string [a*b]*c is desired to be found, use the following expression: \[a\*b\]\*c.
  • Matches regular expression: This option requires barcode values to match a regular expression. It relies on the C++ <regex> library and utilizes the std::regex_match method to verify the entire string conforms to specific patterns. This validation represents the entirety of the content within the recognized zone. For example, the pattern ^Auskunft[\s\S]*, used to validate a string that should initiate with the word "Auskunft", captures all content until the end of the string, accommodating multiline text. ^: marks the start of the line. Auskunft: matches the literal term "Auskunft". [\s\S]*: includes any sequence of characters, including both whitespace (\s) and non-whitespace (\S) characters, occurring zero or more times. For matching regular expressions, the component uses the ECMAScript grammar. For more information about ECMAScript grammar, see Regular Expressions in the MSDN Library or the official website.
  • Contains regular expression: Use this option when the goal is to find a substring defined by the specific regular expression, rather than matching the entire string. For instance, consider the pattern ^Auskunft, to validate strings that start with the word "Auskunft". ^: Marks the start of the line. Auskunft: Matches the literal term "Auskunft". "Matches regular expression" focuses on matching the entire zone value to the pattern, whereas "Contains regular expression" searches for the pattern anywhere in the zone value. The decision between them depends whether you seek conformity of the entire zone value to the pattern or if you simply need to identify a substring within the zone value that matches the pattern.
  • Contains substring: This option requires barcode values to contain the string specified in the Substring field below.
Option Description
Zone is required Select this check box to reject a document if no value is found within this zone (or no value matches validation criteria when validation is on).
Use default value if not found or invalid Select this check box to specify a default value for a barcode when its value is not valid according to the chosen validation method.

Location tab

On this tab you can modify the selected zone coordinates and preferable measure unit.

The selected zones have to fulfil the following conditions:

  • The whole zone area lies within the page's OCR image area.
  • The whole zone area lies within the given image's area.
  • The top coordinate of the zone has lower values than the bottom coordinate.
  • The left coordinate of the zone has lower values than the right coordinate.
  • The zone does not overlap another zone.
Option Description

Modify the left coordinate of the zone.


Modify the top coordinate of the zone.


Modify the right coordinate of the zone.


Modify the bottom coordinate of the zone.

Units type

Set the units which are used to represent the coordinates of the zone. If you specify the type of units, the coordinates are recalculated and the zone is stored in the same place. You can select one of the following values:

  • Millimeters
  • Inches/100
  • Pixels

Test tab

On this tab you can test the selected zone for barcode recognition. Barcode search is performed based on the barcode types selected in the Types field of the General tab.

Option Description

Click this button to perform a barcode recognition test.

Information box

Displays the results of the barcode recognition test.