Custom date-time format strings
The date/time format string specifies how a date and/or time should be formatted when displayed. Some of these formats are not available on all devices. The following elements are supported:
Format specifier | Description |
d | Displays the day of the month (1 – 31). If the day can be expressed as a single digit number, then it will be formatted with one digit. |
dd | Displays the day of the month (01 – 31) as a two-digit number. Single digit days will have a leading zero added. |
EEE | Displays the abbreviated name of the day of the week (for example “Sat,” “Mon”). This is a calculated field based upon the values entered by the user at the control panel. |
EEEE | Displays the full name of the day of the week (for example “Saturday,” “Monday”). This is a calculated field based upon the values entered by the user at the control panel. |
M | Displays the month (1 – 12). If the month can be expressed as a single digit number, then it will be formatted with one digit. |
MM | Displays the month (01 – 12) as a two-digit number. Single digit months will have a leading zero added. |
MMM | Displays the abbreviated name of the month (for example “Jan,” “Feb”). |
MMMM | Displays the full name of the month (for example “January,” “February”). |
yy | Displays the last two digits of the year. |
yyyy | Displays all four digits of the year. |
h | Displays the hour of the time (1 – 12). If the hour can be expressed as a single digit number, then it will be formatted with one digit. This is for clocks based on twelve-hour time. |
hh | Displays the hour of the time (01 – 12) as a two-digit number. Single digit numbers will have a leading zero added. This is for clocks based on twelve-hour time. |
HH | Displays the hour of the time (00 – 23) as a two-digit number. Single digit numbers will have a leading zero added. This is for twenty-four hour time. |
mm | Displays the minutes of the time (00 – 59) as a two-digit number. Single digit numbers will have a leading zero added. |
a | Displays the A.M./P.M. designator for the time. |
All other alphabetic characters are invalid. Symbols and numeric characters, however, are untouched. A few examples:
- EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy — Monday, January 03, 2009
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm — 2009-01-03 15:35
- hh:mm a — 3:35 P.M.