General tab

Use settings on this tab to configure the parameters for connection to the Tungsten Printix Cloud and for the captured files.
Option Description
Full endpoint name

This shows the AutoStore server endpoint path. AutoStore will receive the jobs from Printix on this endpoint. You can copy the full endpoint path using the Copy button. This should be used in Printix tenant administrator web application during the destination profile configuration. Please note this field is read-only. If you want to modify, use the “Endpoint and port” field.

Endpoint and port You can add/edit the endpoint in this field.


https://<the AS Server IP address>:<port>

http://+:<port> This means the web service will be available via this IP address and accessible on this TCP port. If you have a DNS host record for the host, it can be referred to by name instead of just IP address.

JobStore Folder

Set a local folder for files that will be downloaded from the Printix Cloud.

Working folder

Specifies where the files should be copied to before they are passed to the workflow. This should be a unique folder for each workflow.

Profile name

AutoStore generates a profile name automatically. You can modify the profile name at your discretion. Each workflow should have a unique profile name.

Secret Key

Copy the Secret Key from the Printix tenant administrator web application, then enter into the Secret Key field.

Cleanup JobStore

Specify how often (in number of hours) to cleanup the JobStore Folder. Cleanup means the component will delete any erroneous and not processed documents from the JobStore Folder as well as jobs older than 10 days. 0 means the JobStore Folder will not be cleaned.

Processed Files folder

Specify if you want to store files that were processed from the Printix Cloud. If this option is active, you must also specify a Processed Files folder.

Rejected Files folder

Specify if you want to store files that failed to be processed from the Printix Cloud. If this option is active, you must also specify a Rejected Files folder.