Add a table field to a field group

A field group in a document can contain a table field. A table field helps to display a list, for example, a list of items in an order.

  1. Select the field in a field group.
  2. In the properties panel, on the General tab, on the Type list, select Table.
  3. To add a column to a table field, select the field and click Column on the Design bar.
  4. Select the column field and do either of the following:
    • To create custom columns, clear the check box for the Predefined column (Default: Clear) and do the following:

      1. By default the name and display name are displayed as Column1. Enter a different Name for the column.

      2. Enter a Display name for the column.

        This name is displayed as a column name at runtime.

      3. Optional. Enter a Description for the column.

      4. On the Type list, select the data type. (Default: Text)

        The available data types are Text, Boolean, Choice, Date, and Number. If you select the data type as Choice, the "Data source", "Static choice values", and "Restrict to choice list values" properties become available.

      5. Enter or select a Default value for the column.

        This property is not available for a Choice data type.

      6. For the Data source of a document field type, select either of the following:

        • Static (default): Add the static choice values for validation. See Static choice values below.

        • Lookups: Select the lookup values for validation. See Manage a lookup.

      7. To add Static choice values for use in a field type, do the following:

        1. Click .

        2. Enter a Name and Value.

        3. Click Add.

        4. Add more values as needed.

        5. To set a value as the default value, select the Default check box for that value.

      8. To validate the document field value against the choice field values, select Restrict to choice list values. (Default: Clear)

    • To select from a predefined set of columns, select Predefined column and do the following:

      1. On the Column list, select the predefined column to add, for example, Quantity. (Default: Position)

        By default, the selected column name appears in the Name and Display name fields.

      2. Enter a different Name for the column.

      3. Enter a different Display name for the column.

        This name is displayed as a column name at runtime.

      4. Optional. Enter a Description for the column.

      5. Enter or select a Default value for the column. (Default: 0)

  5. To allow the field values to be empty, select Allow empty field. (Default: Clear)
    When you use empty type fields, the following happens on extraction:
    • The text box, date, and dropdown fields appear empty, and the check box appears selected.

    • The fields with empty values are not validated against the list of choices.

  6. Select the Formatter to apply to a field. See Field formatters.
  7. To automatically mask the page image for the fields that are hidden in a Verification activity and have an OCR coordinate linked, select Mask image in verification.
  8. By default, the field data in a document is sent to Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility. To exclude the field data such as field value, confidence, change ratio, and validity from any metric calculations, clear the check box for Include in analytics. (Default: Selected)
  9. By default, the field changes are excluded. To include the history of changes in the field, select Include history of field changes.
  10. To display the field on the form at design time and runtime, select Mask field values. (Default: Clear)

    • The "Mask field values" property is only available if "Include in analytics" is selected.

    • When a mask field value is enabled for a field, the field data in Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility is displayed with an asterisk for each character.

    • When a masked field is processed in TotalAgility, the extraction metrics for confidence, IsValid, and Change Ratio are reflected in the Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility views and the actual field values are never written to the Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility database.

  11. To add validation rules to a table column, click the Validation tab. See Configure validation for a document field.
  12. Click Save.