Name conventions

This topic describes the name conventions used for different items in the TotalAgility and Transformation designers.

TotalAgility Designer

This topic describes the name conventions for the items in TotalAgility Designer.

Name of a form

  • A form name cannot contain the following characters.

    \\ ? / : * " < > | %
    # & ( ) + $ £ ^ -
    { } [ ] @ ~ _ , ! ¬

  • A form name cannot contain the following keywords, as these keywords are reserved for the Windows operating system.


Transformation Designer

  • The names of classes, folders, training folders, fields, formatters, locators, locator subfields, Document Review scripted rules and validation rules can only contain the following characters:


    • 0123456789_

      A name cannot have a number as the first character.

    • abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

    • áàâóòôúùûéèêíìî

    • äöüÄÖÜß


  • The names of any items such as classes, folders, or training folders cannot contain the following characters:

    • \ / : * ? < > |

    • space

Name of a document type

The name of a document type cannot be more than 80 characters when the document form is dynamically generated at runtime. If you want a document type name with more than 80 characters, you must manually create the document form in TotalAgility Designer and then assign it to the extraction group.

Display name of a folder and document type field

A display name for a folder and document type field must conform to the following conventions:

  • Cannot be empty.

  • Allows duplicate names.

  • Can start with a number.

  • The maximum length is 50 characters.

  • The display name can contain the following special characters.

    \\ ? / : * " < > | %
    # & ( ) + $ £ ^ -
    { } [ ] @ ~ . , ! '

ID of a process or server variable

The ID for a process or server variable must conform to the following conventions:

  • Cannot be empty.

  • A process variable ID cannot be the same as a system variable ID.

  • The maximum length is 40.

  • The ID can contain "_" and "GUID", and is still able to take or complete the activity.

  • The ID cannot contain the following special characters.

    \\ ? / : * " < > | %
    # & ( ) + $ £ ^ -
    { } [ ] @ ~ . , ! '

Display name of a process or server variable

The display name for a process or server variable must conform to the following conventions:

  • Cannot be empty.

  • The display name of a process variable cannot be the same as that of a system variable.

  • The maximum length is 50 characters.

  • The display name can contain the following special characters.

    \\ ? / : * " < > | %
    # & ( ) + $ £ ^ -
    { } [ ] @ ~ . , ! '

Display name of a form variable

The display name for a form variable must conform to the following conventions:

  • Cannot be empty.

  • Allows alphabetical, numbers and underscore characters.

  • There is no limit to maximum length.

    A form variable does not have an ID.

Display name of the variable label text

The display name for a variable label text must conform to the following convention:

  • The maximum length is 255 characters.

Username and display name of a resource

The user and display name for a resource name must conform to the following convention:

  • The user and display name of a resource cannot be more than 256 characters.