Add items to a package

You can quickly add commonly used items or specific item types grouped under a menu to a package, or search for the items as needed and add them to the package.

The commonly used items include processes, cases, case fragments, business rules, custom services, custom service groups, extraction groups, classification groups, forms, and categories. The menu includes User interface, Capture, Resources, Queries, Packages, System, System data, and Monitoring. Each menu includes specific item types. For example, the Capture menu includes Folder types, Field formatters, PDF profiles, Separation profiles, Scan/VRS profiles, Document conversion profiles, Import connections, Import sources, Field validators, and Capture control layouts.

The patch package contains an additional "Workflow" group. You can select an item type such as "Skins", if you want to export skins in the patch package. This group is not available in the packages.

  • When you add a process or form to a package that is making use of a custom service, the custom service is added to the package depending on the association settings. You can also add a data model directly to a package.

  • When you add a process to the package where a skin is associated, all the items associated with the skin are added to the package. If you override a setting and select a new item such as an associated form, it gets updated in the package associations.

However, no associated items are included when exporting a patch package. Only items that are specifically added to the patch package are exported.

  1. To quickly add items to a package, do either of the following on the Package tab:
    • On the Add list, select the most used item, such as Processes, Cases, or Custom services.

      The Add items dialog box displays the list of items. Select the items to add as needed and click Done.

    • On the Add list, click a group to expand, such as User interface, and select a specific item type, such as Form templates.

      The Add items dialog box displays the list of form templates. Select the form templates to add as needed and click Done.

    The selected items are displayed on the Package tab.

  2. To search for the items and add them to a package, click Search.

    The Add items dialog box is displayed.

  3. You can Search by item/date or tags.

    To search for the items based on item/date

    1. Select Item/Date.
    2. Select a Category.

      By default, your working category is selected.

    3. On the Artifact list, select the artifact, such as Custom service groups. (Default: All)

      Available artifacts are: All, Capture, Custom service groups, Miscellaneous files, Monitoring, Packages, Queries, Resources, System, System data, User interface, and Workflow.

    4. On the Last modified list, select the period to search. (Default: One week)

      You can search for all items, items modified since a specific date time, between certain dates, today (from 00.01 to current time), one week (last seven days), this month (from the first of the selected month to current date) and this year (from January 1 to current date).

    5. Click Search.

      The artifacts created during the selected period along with the artifact name, type and version are displayed in the right panel. The total count of items is also displayed on top. Additionally, all the items that belong to the selected artifact appear on the Type list. For example, if the selected artifact type is Workflow, all the items from the selected artifact, such as processes, custom services and more are displayed.

      You can filter the items by item name.

    6. Select the items to add as needed or click Add all to all items.

      The added items appear in the Selected items box.

      To delete a selected item, click for the item to delete.

    To search for the items based on tags

    1. Select Tags.

    2. Click Add.

      The available tags appear.

    3. Select the required tags and click Done.

    4. Click Done.

      The tags appear in the box.

    5. Click Search.

      The items associated with the selected tags along with the artifact name, type and version are displayed in the right panel.

      You can filter the items by item name.

    6. Select the items to add as needed or click Add all to all items.

      The added items appear in the Selected items box.

      To delete a selected item, click for the item to delete.

  4. Click Done.

    The selected items appear on the Package tab. The total count of items and the count of items grouped by artifact type are displayed at the bottom. If the items are more, they are spanned across pages. Click to go to the next page.

  5. To protect an individual artifact, select the check box for the artifact. To protect all the items, select the Protected check box on the header.

    If the "Protect all items in the package" property is already selected, all the items are marked protected by default. You cannot unprotect an item.

    When you import a package on a different system, you can view the list of protected items from the system settings. See Protected items search
  6. To view items selected from a specific artifact, on the Artifact list, select the artifact, such as User interface.

    All the items from the selected artifact appear.

  7. Click Save.

Additional information on adding items to a package

  • A package does not include the following items associated with resources:

  • Category for all

  • External resources

  • Personas, supervisors, and members (worker resources and group resources) for group resources

  • Supervisor, persona, working group, and associated groups for individual resources

  • You cannot add security roles in a package

  • The package does not include the following items associated with Capture data:

    • Currency codes

    • Resources (workers and groups) and processes for entities

    • Resources (workers and groups) and forms for extraction groups

    • Resources (workers and groups) and forms for folder types

    • Server variables in the definition

    • The PDF generation, Scan/VRS, and Separation profiles if "Include items associated with categories" is selected.

  • The package does not include the following items associated with Queries:

    • Resources (workers or groups) and Processes for Job query and Work queue query

    • When you import a package, the Job, Work queue, and System queries are overwritten only if the Overwrite Non-versioned items option is selected.

  • The package does not include the following items associated with the System:

    • Category for all

    • Parent category and Resources (workers and groups) for category

    • Process and server variables for job schedule