Configuration of a Custom action button control

  1. On the Properties panel of the Custom action button control, click the Configuration tab.
  2. To set the style, select either of the following for Default style and Hover style:
    • Theme: Keeps the default theme.

      Themes are defined globally (outside of forms and sites) and are then associated with a site. Forms are rendered as part of a site. The theme associated with the site determines the style for the control.

    • Class: Enter the name of the CSS class. This class is applied to the control only when it is available in the style sheet that is associated with the theme. If the class does not exist in the style sheet, then the control uses the default style.

  3. Select Show image to display the image at runtime. (Default: Clear)
  4. To configure each menu item within the control, do the following:
    1. Click for Menu items. The Menu items dialog box is displayed.
    2. Enter a name for the menu in the Text field.
    3. Do either of the following for Load image from store (Default: Clear):
      • To use an image from the store, select Load image from store, and select the image on the Image path list.
        The image name must match the name in the database for the image to display at runtime.
      • To specify a custom image, clear Load image from store, and enter the image name or the URL to the image in the Image path field.

        For on-premise TotalAgility, the image needs to reside in the following location: <Installation location>\Kofax\TotalAgility\Agility.Server.Web\Forms\Images>

    4. Select Causes validation to check if the button validates the control when clicked. (Default: Clear)
    5. In the Confirmation message field, enter a message for the menu item to display at runtime using a static or dynamic value. Adding a confirmation message can prevent the user from accidentally performing an action that may result in data loss.
    6. To associate the actions with the menu item, click Add, select the required actions, and click Done. Use the  icons to set the order of actions as needed.
      You can update and reset the menu items as needed.
  5. Save the form.
    At runtime, the Custom action button control is displayed with the dropdown menu which includes actions that are configured.