Create an individual resource

Use the following procedure to create an individual resource and configure its properties.

  1. Navigate to Resources > Individuals and click New.

    Alternatively, navigate to Resources > Groups and click New individual.

    The New individual dialog box is displayed.
  2. Configure the Properties of an individual resource.
  3. Click Save

Properties of an individual resource

Use the following tabs to configure the properties of an individual resource.


Full name

The display name for the resource.

User name

The username for the resource.

The username of a resource cannot be more than 56 characters.


The password for the resource for accessing the system.

  • If a password format is specified, the password should adhere to the specified format. For example, a password may require a minimum of 8 characters that include at least 1 alphabet, 1 numeric, and 1 special character.
  • On Windows, the Microsoft Virtual keyboard is disabled when using a text box in password mode.

Confirm password

Password confirmation.

Email address

Email address of the resource. If configured to GitHub, enter the email address used in the GitHub configuration.

If you create a resource without an active email ID, and if the "Unique email enforcement" option is selected in the System Settings, an error occurs.

Phone number

The contact number of the resource.

A phone number cannot be more than 30 characters.


The category to which the resource belongs.

By default, a new resource is assigned to your working category.

Working category

The category that appears when a resource performs an action, such as opening a map or creating a job on a process in the TotalAgility Workspace or TotalAgility Designer.

By default, a new resource is assigned to your working category.

GitHub working folder

The list of working folders added to GitHub repository. You can set the working folder as needed.

  • The GitHub working folder option is only available for the resource configured to GitHub repository.

  • When you logon to the Designer after configuring to GitHub, and you have not set any folder as your working folder when adding the package to GitHub, no folder name is displayed on the GitHub working folder list by default. See Add a package to GitHub to set the working folder.

  • When multiple packages are added to GitHub by setting the working folders, those working folders appear on the GitHub working folder list. By default, the GitHub working folder list displays the working folder name created from the latest package that is added to GitHub.

  • You can set the GitHub working folder while editing profile. The working folder set when editing the user profile also reflects in the resource properties page.


Configure properties to enforce security for a resource account. You can lock or unlock the resource's account to deny or grant access to the system. Additionally, you can prompt the resource to change the password on the next login.
Account options

Account locked

If selected, keeps the account locked.

User must change password on next logon

If selected, prompts the resource to change the password on the next login.

This setting does not apply when logging on to TotalAgility Designer and logging on to TotalAgility using the MFP and mobile devices.

Account active period

Optional. The date range when a resource is available.

Valid from

The resource account can be set to be valid with immediate effect (now) or from a specific date. (Default: Now)

Valid until

The resource account can be valid for an indefinite period or until a specified date. (Default: Indefinitely)


A resource is not a supervisor by default. Specify that the resource is a supervisor by assigning a managerial level.

Optional. A supervisor (Individual or Group) to manage the resource.

Only a resource with a higher managerial level than the selected resource can become a supervisor or a group can become a supervisor.

For example, a resource with a managerial level of 6 cannot supervise a resource with a managerial level of 5.

Managerial level

The level of authority assigned to a supervisor to derive the hierarchy of individuals within an organization. (Default: Not a supervisor)

The managerial level ranges from 1 to 10. Lower values indicate more authority than higher values, with 1 being the highest level of authority.

Direct reports

Resources that report to this resource if this resource is a supervisor.


You can associate an individual with persona and groups.

The persona relevant to the resource's requirement.

Working group

The group for which a worker does most of their work. If a resource belongs to multiple groups, a working group indicates the group for which the resource is currently working. For example, a resource may belong to both the Finance group and the Admin group. Assigning the resource to the Admin group indicates that the resource is currently working for the Admin group.

Associated groups

The groups to associate with the resource.

A resource can be a member of many different groups. For example, a resource can belong to both the Finance group and the Project Management group.

Being able to view the list of associated groups helps you manage your resources effectively. For example, before removing or replacing the resource, you will know all of the resource associations so that you can assess the impact of a change and act accordingly.

To associate a group with an individual,

  1. Click Add.

  2. Locate the required group:

    1. Click the "working category" link to open the Category list.
    2. Select All or the category the group belongs to.

    3. Click the Add all link to select all groups, or to further filter the list, enter the name of the group in the Filter field and then select the required group.

  3. Click Done.


Configure the security and skill levels of a resource, work allocation rules, and costs incurred for a resource.

Security and skills

The security and skill levels of the resource.

Security level

Security level of a resource controls the assignment of resources to an activity. The value of security level ranges from 1 to 10, with 1 being the highest level of security and 10 the lowest. The default security level of a group is 1.

You can also set the security level on an activity to control which resource can work on that activity. For example:

  • If the security level of the activity is 1, only resources with a security level of 1 can complete the activity.

  • If the security level of the activity is 3, only resources with security levels of 3, 2, or 1 can complete the activity.

  • If the security level of the activity is 10, a resource with any security level can complete the activity.

Skill level

Managing training and competency records for a team or department members lets you optimize resource use.

  • Assign work to the resource with the correct training and skill level. For example, a complex task most likely needs a resource with a high skill level.
  • Tailor support for team members based on their needs. For example, team members with lower skill levels may require additional supervision and training.

The skill level of a resource helps you control the assignment of the resource to an activity based on their competency levels.

Skill levels are global and available across all business processes.

Skill levels range from 1 to 10, with 1 being the highest skill level and 10 the lowest. The greater the skill level of the resource, the lower the skill level value is.

By default, the minimum skill level is set to 10 and the maximum to 1.

For example, when you configure a .Net activity, and select a Method such as "AddWorkerResource3", you can set the maximum and minimum value to the resource. However, the value of the maximum skill level cannot be more than the value of the minimum skill level.

Use the maximum and minimum skill levels of a resource to determine which activities the resource can perform.

When manually assigning work, TotalAgility makes only those resources with the requisite competency levels to perform the work available. See Resource assignment>Assign resources manually for more information.

When automatically assigning work, TotalAgility only assigns resources that have the required skill level.

Specify whether resources are available based on server level or process level skill settings or, select resources regardless of skill level.

Work allocation


Optional. A work allocation rule assigned to a resource so that work can be streamlined based on the order defined in the rule.

Work allocation rules are specific rule conditions to help prioritize the work of a resource based on activity, process, state, work type, and other priority types. Once prioritized, TotalAgility systematically pushes the work to the resource work queue based on the set priorities.

You can assign a work allocation rule directly to an individual or a group so that the rule becomes effective for all individuals who have the selected resource group as their working group. For example, on the day when a bank releases the quarterly statements, the task of posting bank statements is assigned as a work allocation rule to the Backroom Staff. The system prioritizes the task by putting it at the top of the Backroom Staff work queues when the activity becomes pending.

The work allocation rule assigned directly to a resource takes precedence over the work allocation rule assigned to the working group. If the work allocation rule assigned to the resource is cleared, the rule assigned to the working group is used.


Fixed cost

The cost of a resource irrespective of the length of the activity. This is the actual cost of the job.

Variable cost

Rate per day/hour/minute/second for this resource. To set the variable cost, type a value, and select days, hours, minutes, and seconds as the unit of measure. The variable cost is added to the job.

For example, a repairman has a fixed service call charge of $100 plus charges of $10 per hour. If the repairman takes 3 hours to fix an issue, the cost of the fix is (Fixed cost = 100) + (Variable cost = (10 *3)) = $130.