Configure a RESTful service activity to retrieve data

You can configure the Restful service activity to retrieve the data.

A request to get information returns the response in either JSON or XML format.

You can store the entire output to a single variable of type String, XML, or Data object variable.

If the response is in JSON, you can use a Data object variable to hold the return value. You can use single fields of the data object to configure the request or response, such as SlackUserDetails.Id as a URL parameter or use SlackUserDetails.Channels which is a list with columns and rows.

Once the action is complete, the fields and arrays in the object are populated with the data returned.

Ideally the structure of the data model and the response match. But in the case the structure does not match, only the matching fields in the returned data and the matching fields in the data object structure are populated.

If any data in the response does not have a matching field in the data object structure, or if any fields in the data object structure do not have a match in the response, then those are ignored.

The following information is displayed for the activity. You can view these values at runtime or when debugging.

Node ID

The ID of the activity.


The status of the activity as complete or suspended.


The type of activity.


Whether the activity is automatic or manual.

Performed On

The date when the activity was performed.

Performed By

The resource who performed the activity.


The duration for which the activity was performed.

Request URL

The URL that was executed includes any query string parameters.

Request body

The request body is in XML or JSON format depending on the activity configuration. If there is no ‘body’, for example, a GET request does not have a body, 'None' is displayed.

Request headers

The headers that were passed to the service, including custom headers. These can be defined when you set up the REST service integration at the system level and overwritten at the activity level.

Response body (Including HTTP code)

The response is in XML or JSON format depending on the activity configuration and shows the HTTP status code.

If "Suspend job on error" is selected, the request URL, request body, request headers, and response body information of that activity is not displayed during process debugging.

Use the following procedure to configure a RESTful service activity to retrieve the data.

  1. On the Verb list, select GET.
  2. On the Type list, select XML or JSON. (Default: XML)
  3. Edit the default custom header as needed.
  4. Handle a response.
  5. Define a response header.
  6. Configure error handling.