Custom service modeling bar

The modeling bar of custom service includes tabs that help in designing a custom service.


Use this tab to perform the following commands.


  • Last modified by: The resource who last modified the map.

  • Last modified date: Date the custom service was last modified.

  • Status: Status of the custom service such as New, Saved, or Released.

  • Version: The version of the current map. A saved map displays the minor version, such as 0.1 and a released map displays the major version, such as 1.0.

  • Creation date: Date the custom service was created.

  • Author: The resource who created the map.

  • Tags: The tags that are associated with a custom service that is saved or released. See Tag an item.


Provides visibility of where the process or rules is being used in a current custom service or which processes are using the current custom service. See View Associations.

Version history

Lets you view the version history of a custom service. For each version you can view the resource that modified it, the last modified date, and comments (if any). You can also open a version of a custom service if you have the required access permissions.


Lets you to visually compare the workflow along with details of various items that have been added, deleted, or updated between the two selected versions of the same custom service. You can also view the details such as custom service name, version, resource that last modified it, and the last modified date. For more information, see Work with custom services.


Creates a document for the custom service workflow. See Document a process.

Test plan

Lets you create test cases for a custom service and view the list of test cases that exist for a custom service. See Create a test plan.

Quick App

Lets you make this workflow available for use within TotalAgility Apps (Quick Workflow and Quick RPA). Select the required option and click Update. The "Apps" list within the system settings is updated accordingly.

When you update the system settings, the changes are reflected in the custom service.

You must have Read/Write or Full Control permissions in the Access control list to be able to update this setting.

The "Quick App" option is available only if you release the custom service at least once.


Saves map changes and creates a minor version of the map, such as Get Customer Details v0.01. You can only start a job based on a saved custom service map if you have a development license.

Save with comments

Saves the map with comments (if any) about the details of the changes for each version.


Releases the map, and creates a major version of the map, such as Get Customer Details v1.0. You can only use a released map in production.

Release with comments

Releases the map with comments (if any) about the details of the changes for each version.


Closes the map without saving it.

Close and unlock

Whenever an item is released, it is locked by default. Use this option to automatically unlock an item.


Use this tab to model a custom service. See Design a basic process.

  • Action bar: Includes basic actions that help in designing a custom service. See action toolbar.

  • Business rules properties panel: Includes different tabs for configuring the properties of the custom service or its selected element. See Process properties.


Use this tab to create variables for a custom service.

Data models

Use this tab to create a local data model.