Manage business data

You can create, modify, or delete business data for business rules, and view business data associations.

Create business data

You can create and use business data within all the business rule types, that is when you add a condition in a decision table or configure a node in the decision tree or flow rule.

Create business data in a similar way as you create process variables.

  1. Open the business rule in which to create business data.
  2. On the modeling bar, click Business data and click New.

    The New business data dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter a unique Name for the data, such as CustomerName.
    By default, the name of the data becomes the ID of the data; however, you can change the ID if needed.

    For the naming convention of name and ID, see Name conventions.

  4. On the Type list, select the business data type, such as Bool, Date, Number, or String. (Default: String)
  5. Select, enter, or configure a Value for the data.
    To provide a dynamic value, at runtime, leave the Value empty.
  6. Click Add and close.

    To quickly add as many business data types as needed without navigating away from the New business data dialog box, click Add another. The current data type is added and the New business data box remains open with a clear screen to add another data type. All the business data types are listed on the Business data page.

    The list of business data appears on the Business data tab.

  7. Similarly, create other data types.
    By default, all the variables are sorted on Name and displayed in ascending order. However, you can sort (ascending or descending) on the following columns: Name, ID, Type, and Value.
  8. Click Save.

    When you test a business rule in which business data is used, the output is returned based on the input and default values of the business data. For example, if the business data type is Number and you specify to use 2 decimal places, when you type 1.999, the value is automatically changed to 1.99.

Modify business data

You can only change the name and value of business data but cannot change its ID and type.

  1. On the business rule modeling bar, click Business data.
  2. On the list of data, click the business data to modify.

    The Edit business data dialog box is displayed.

  3. Make changes as needed.
  4. Click Update.

Delete business data

  1. On the business rule modeling bar, click Business data.

    The list of business data appears.

  2. On the context menu of the data to delete, click Delete.

    On confirmation, the business data is deleted.

    You cannot delete the business data if it is used in any business rule.

View business data associations

You can view the business rule and activity associated with the business data.

  1. On the business rule modeling bar, click Business data.

    The list of business data appears.

  2. On context menu of the business data for which to view the associations, click Associations.

    By default, the business rules and activities that are using the current business data, if any are displayed.