Configure the data store
A data store lets you define the data that appears in a list.
The data consists of a collection of fields with their names and types. For example, to display a work queue in a List control, define the following set:
ActivityName (string)
DueDate (date)
AssignedTo (string)
EPC (Int)
NodeID (Int)
JobID (string)
A data store item name cannot contain a space or the following characters: ', <, |, \, /, ?, @, ~, #, :, ;, !, ", $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), +, =, {, [, ], }, `, ., ,, >, -.
Once defined, data store properties are available for use in an action. For example, you can select a data store like a table in a DB query action and then map the fields in the data store to the data returned.
- In the properties panel of a List control, click the Data store tab.
- Click .
- Enter a unique Name for the field.
- Select the Type of data, such as String.
- Click Add.
- Add more items as needed and save the form.