
Configure the general properties of a process.


A name for the new process, such as Loan Request.


A description of the new process, such as “Process of requesting a loan from the bank.”


You can change an existing business process to a case definition, case fragment, or custom service but not vice versa. However, you can undo or redo the changes before saving it.

  • To change the business process to a case, select Case definition. On changing a business process to a case, all the associated process variables are converted to case variables.

  • To change the business process to a case fragment, select Case fragment, and under Associated Case, on the Case definition list, select a case map.

  • To change the business process to custom service, select Custom service. If there are any unsupported activity types or if the properties such as document set, process events, milestones, roles, and states are set to the process, an error message is displayed. Otherwise, the properties and tabs are updated to custom service.

    If there are any associated process notes, the notes are deleted when the custom service itself is deleted.

All the settings configured on the current map are automatically applied to the new map or custom service. You can change the properties as needed.


A category to store the process map. By default, the process is stored in the working category of the resource.

Exporting a process map also exports the map category.
Support skins

If selected, allows for creating different views of the process, typically for different products and customers.


The level of importance for the process. A job with priority level 1 indicates that the job is of the highest priority and level 100 indicates the lowest priority.

Work type

A custom task list used as the primary method of managing workflow in a business process. It is typically used by operational staff to display, manage, and execute their work tasks. See Work types.

To assign a work type to a process, you must have read access to work type and access to the category of the work type.


If selected, allows the process to be synchronous so that all nodes execute on one thread of execution. A synchronous map only has automatic activities and does not have any manual activities. (Default: Clear)

  • For best practices on a synchronous map, refer to the "Troubleshooting > Business process management > Processes" section in the TotalAgility Best Practices Guide.

  • The Synchronous property is not available for case and case fragment maps.

Case completion

This property only applies to a case map.

See Case completion.

Associated case

This property only applies to a case fragment map.

  • Case definition: A case process to associate with the case fragment.

    You can associate several business processes with the same case, provided you first change a business process to a case fragment.

    When a business process is associated with a case, the case milestones, case variables, and case roles become available to all associated processes.

  • Compatible all versions: If selected, makes a case fragment map compatible with all case versions.