Recent items

A list of items that you (logged-on user) have recently opened.

In addition to the elements on the Home page, the "Recent items" page includes the following elements. Recent items

Recent items

A list of items that you (logged-on user) have recently opened. This list enables you to quickly identify what you were working on last, without having to navigate to different sections. The list can include a maximum of 30 items.

You can do the following on the "Recent items" page:

  • Sort the list on the item name, type, and date the item was last accessed.

  • Scroll down the list to locate an item.

  • Search an item by name - enter the name in the Filter field and click .

  • Open an item directly from the list.


Refreshes the list to display the most recent items.


Clears all the items from the list.


Enter the name of the item to locate and click . You can filter the item by Name, Type and Last accessed columns.