Customize the Capture forms

Customize a Capture form generated for activities such as Scan, Validation, Verification, and Document review.

The input and output variables for the activity appear as controls on the generated form. You can add new controls, move controls, and remove existing controls.

When importing an image through the Web capture control that is configured in Capture forms, the imported image is displayed outside of the control. We recommend that you do not use the Web capture control on Capture forms. If you decide to use, configure the Web capture control to hide the scanning buttons such as File upload.
  1. Open the Capture form to customize.
    • The Capture control appears. For example, Validation control appears on a Validation form.

    • The existing properties of the form are displayed in the properties panel.

  2. Add additional controls as needed.
  3. You can associate the form with another process.
    1. On the Form modeling bar, click File > Associations.
    2. Under Update associated file select the Process to associate with the form.
  4. Click Update.
    The form is updated with the selected process and activity/extraction group.
  5. Customize the layout and properties as needed. See Configure a composite control.

    When you take the manual Capture activity at runtime, the latest released version of the form loads. The input and output variables appear on the Activity tab of the Composite Capture control.

  6. Close the form.
To manage activities:
  • Take and complete activities at runtime.

  • Take and complete ordinary activities after generating a Create new job form. See Build a Create new job form.

  • Take and complete the Capture activities after generating a Scan create new job form. See Build a Scan create new job form. Uncommitted documents eventually expire. If this occurs, the system generates a warning. Cancel and retry your action.