Work with packages or patch packages

You can modify, export, copy, unlock, deploy, and delete a package or a patch package.

To work with packages, navigate to Packages > Packages. A list of packages appears.

To work with patch packages, navigate to Packages > Patch packages. A list of patch packages appears.

The following procedure describes working with packages, you can use the same procedure to work with patch packages.

Modify a package

  1. In the Packages list, click the package to modify.

    The package opens in a new browser tab.

  2. Make changes as needed.
  3. Save the package.

Export a package

You can export a package for reuse. A package is exported as a ZIP file. Only resources that have at least read permissions can export a package.

The exported package includes all the items associated with the package along with the sub-packages; However, these associated items are not included in the patch package.

  • The thread pools, server variables, web service references, and server XML expression variables are automatically exported.

  • Any associated reporting tags are exported.

  • All images included in the package are exported in the Images folder.

  • Any document templates, custom pages, .NET DLLs, and style sheets are exported in the Assets folder.

    The .NET DLLs are only exported if they have been added to the package manually.

  • Depending on the selected options for the device settings (including devices, device profiles, and device settings), an XML-formatted string package is generated using the stored data inside the Device Manager database, and these properties are included in the package when exporting.

  1. Do one of the following: In the Packages list, on the context menu of the package to export, click Export.
    • On the main menu, click Export. See Export a package.

    • On the main menu, navigate to Packages > Packages. In the Packages list, on the context menu of the package to export, click Export. Continue from Step 2; However, you can directly export the patch package and do not have to follow step 2.

      If you need to export a complete package including associations, select "Export" without opening the package, all the associations in the package are updated for the latest version of the items in the package.

    • On the main menu, navigate to Packages > Packages. In the Packages list, click the package to open. On the package modeling bar, click Export options.

  2. By default, no deployment is selected, and all the deployment configurations defined in the package are exported. To include the deployment configuration in the package, on the Deployment list, select a deployment type.

    The deployment configurations settings for the selected deployment type are exported and the values for the global variables, server variables, web services and device settings defined in the base package as applicable, are overwritten with the values from the selected deployment type. For example, if the server variable value in a base package is BaseDB and the server variable value in the production deployment type is ProductionDB, after export, BaseDB is overwritten with ProductionDB; However, the "deployment configuration" tab is not available for Patch package.

  3. Click OK.

    A message prompts you to download the ZIP file.

  4. Click Yes.
    The package is exported. If any errors occur during export, Error.txt is generated with the error details. In some scenarios, a warning message is displayed, and the package is not exported.

Copy a package

  1. In the Packages list, on the context menu of the package to copy, click Copy.

    A copy of the package prefixed with "Copy 1 of <package name>" appears on the Packages page.

  2. Customize the package as needed.
  3. Save the package.

Delete a package

In the Packages list, on the context menu of the package to delete, click Delete. On confirmation, the selected package is deleted.

You cannot delete a package that is locked by another user.

Unlock a package

Whenever a package is saved, it is locked by default so that other resources cannot modify it. You can unlock a package to allow modification.

In the packages list, on the context menu of the package to unlock, click Unlock. On confirmation, the package is unlocked and is available for modification.

You can lock a package again. When you open an unlocked package, a message appears to confirm whether to lock the package. On confirmation, the package is locked. See Lock or unlock an item for more information.

Deploy a package

  1. In the Packages list, on the context menu of the package to deploy, click Deploy package.
    A new browser tab opens. The Deployment tab displays the artifacts available in the package. The artifact name, artifact type, versions, and values are displayed.
  2. Do the following on the Deployment tab.
    1. Select the Deployment configuration.
    2. On the Deploy to list, select the deployment server to which to deploy this package.
    3. By default, the Execute test cases check box is selected.
  3. To filter the artifacts by groups, on the Artifact list, select the group such as Workflow.

    All the artifacts such as processes, from the selected Workflow group, are displayed.

  4. Click Deploy.

Compare and deploy a package

In the Packages list, on the context menu of the package to compare and deploy, click Compare and deploy. You can compare a package before deploying it to the deployment server to make sure that all the items you need are included for import. For more information see Compare and deploy a package.

Package versions

In the Packages list, on the context menu of the package for versions, click Versions. The history pop-up is displayed where you can view list of package versions, the resource that modified it, the last modified date, and comments (if any).

You cannot open the previous versions of a package from the history pop-up.