Properties of a business rule

The properties of a business rule (flow rule, decision tree, decision table, and work queue automation) are described under the following tabs.


The "Hit policy" and "Include else condition" properties are only available for a Decision table.


A name for the new business rule.


A description of the new business rule.


A read-only property to indicate that the current process is a business rule.


A category to store the business rule. By default, the business rule is stored in the working category of the resource.

Hit policy

A hit policy is the rule based on which the output is evaluated. Available options are: First found, Collect and Rule order. (Default: First found)

  • First found: Multiple rows can evaluate to true, but evaluation stops at the first row that evaluates to true.

  • Collect: Collects the values of all rows that evaluate to true from the output columns, depending on the selected action: Sum, Min, Max, Count, or Average.

    For the Collect hit policy, you must specify what you want to collect (Sum, Min, Max, Count, and Average) from the output columns. The operators supported for the Collect hit policy are Sum, Min, Max, Count, and Average.

    For example, two rows evaluate to true with values 10 and 20. When you execute the rule in a form or process, the output variable value is returned as follows depending on the action:

    • For the Sum action, the returned value is 30.

    • For the Min action, the returned value is 10.

    • For the Max action, the returned value is 20.

    • For the Count action, the returned value is 2.

    • For the Average action, the returned value is 15.

    When using Collect hit policy, all outputs must be numeric. When switching between hit policies, a warning message appears if there are any non-numeric output types, as they are not supported.

  • Rule order: Multiple rows can evaluate to true, and the output of the table contains the possible outputs from each row. For example, if people over 12 years of age can access films A and B and over 15 years of age can access films C and D, then if you are 16 years old, you get A, B, C, and D as possible films

Include else condition

Allows adding an Else condition row to the decision table. (Default: Clear)


This tab is only available for Flow rules and Decision trees. It is not available Decision tables and Work queue automation rules.

Configure Capture properties of a business rule.

Classification group

A classification group to associate with the business rule to help classify documents. You can dynamically set the classification group for the rule using a classification group, process or server variable of type String, or business data. The process variable holds the GUID of a classification group. You can copy the GUID from the General tab of the classification group.

See Create a classification group for more information.

Initialize from scan

If selected, creates a Capture-enabled process so that the data within Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility reports can be used to filter the data returned. For more information on this property, see the Capture properties of a process.

PDF text extraction
Extraction mode

The mode of extracting text from PDF. Available options are:

  • All text: Extracts both visible and invisible text (default).

  • Visible text only: Extracts only visible text.

  • Automatic: Extracts only visible text. If the results are empty, then invisible text is included in the results.

  • Ignore all text layer: Extracts PDF through OCR and ignores the PDF text layer.

Word separation

The characters to use as word separators. When processing the PDF, text or strings of text containing these characters are treated as separate words. For example, "1234/56" is treated as three separate words, "1234", "/", and "56".

Default characters are "/", ":", "(", ")", "-", and "#".


Available from and Available to

Set the business rule to activate or deactivate on a particular date.

If set, the rule expires as soon as the active period is over. Otherwise, it remains active.

For example, a garment retailer decides to implement a discount scheme for Christmas and creates a rule that applies at the start of the season and expires at the end of the season.

History, reporting, and execution

This tab is only available for Flow rules and Decision trees. It is not available for Decision tables and Work queue automation rules.

Max loop count

Continuous looping in a business rule can cause a high workload on the TotalAgility server. You can set the maximum loop count to define the number of times an activity can be executed in a business rule (default: 1000). When the loop count reaches the set limit, the job is suspended at runtime. By default, the maximum loop count set at the system level is available for all processes. However, you can override the server-level setting to set the loop count at the process level.

.Net assemblies

The .NET assemblies to associate with the business rule so that the rule can use external assembly components.

  • On exporting a process, the .NET assemblies associated with the process are also exported.

  • When you view a system map, the process is updated with the associated .NET assemblies.

To add a .NET assembly, click Add, select the assembly, and click Done. See .NET assemblies for more information.

Maintenance access

Maintenance access

Configure the access permissions to maintain a business rule.

A resource with maintenance access permissions for a business rule can add or delete resources or change the access rights of resources to maintain the system depending on the access types.

To configure access permissions to maintain a business rule, see Configure maintenance access.

Functional access

Configure the access permissions to edit business data.

Approval process

You can set the process (Approval process) that can be used to delay the final release of this business rule until the changes are reviewed and approved. The process remains in awaiting state pending final release.

See also: