Manage a deployment schedule

You can create, modify, delete, unlock, and view the history of the deployment schedules on the Deployment schedules page. An audit log entry is created in the TotalAgility Workspace whenever you add, modify, or delete a deployment schedule.

You can create a new deployment schedule or modify and delete an existing one if you have the required permissions. See Access control list.

To open the Deployment schedules page, navigate to System > Deployment schedules.

Use the following links to learn how to manage a deployment schedule:

Create a deployment schedule

To create a deployment schedule, perform the following procedure.

  1. Navigate to System > Deployment schedules.

    The Deployment schedules page appears.

  2. Click New.

    The Deployment schedule page appears.

  3. In the properties panel, configure the properties of the deployment schedule.
    1. On the General tab, configure the general properties of a deployment schedule.

      Name Enter a name for the deployment schedule.
      Category Select a category for the deployment schedule.

      By default, the category is set to your working category.

      Active By default, the deployment schedule is active.
      Schedule: Configure the following properties to control when and how often a deployment schedule repeats.

      To specify the start time for running the deployment schedule, select either option:

      • Now: The deployment schedule runs the moment it is created.

      • Time (Default): Enter or select the start date and time for the deployment schedule to run.

      How often

      Select one of the options to specify how often the deployment schedules must run.

      Once (Default)

      The deployment schedule runs only once.

      Every (X) minutes

      Enter or select the number of minutes and select the check boxes to specify whether the deployment schedule should run all days or any specific days of the week.


      Enter or select the number of hours and select the check boxes to specify whether the deployment schedule should run all days of the week or any specific days of the week.


      By default, the deployment schedule runs every day from Sunday to Saturday and ends after one occurrence. To exclude specific days when the deployment schedule must not run, clear the check boxes for those days.


      By default, a deployment schedule runs once a week. Enter or select the number to specify how frequently the deployment schedule must run within a week. For example, enter 2 for the deployment schedule to run twice a week.


      By default, a deployment schedule runs once a month. Enter or select the number to specify how frequently the deployment schedule must run within a month. For example, enter 2 for the deployment schedule to run twice a month.

      For options other than "Once", additionally configure the following settings:

      • End at a specific time: To specify the time for the deployment schedule to end, select this option and select the date and time. (Default: Clear)

      • End after number of occurrences: To specify the number of occurrences of a deployment schedule after which the schedule must end, select this option and enter or select the number of occurrences. (Default: Clear)

      End at a specific time To specify the time for the deployment schedule to end, select the date and time. (Default: Clear)

      This setting only applies to options other than "Once".

      End after number of occurrences To specify the number of occurrences of a deployment schedule after which the schedule must end, enter or select the number of occurrences. (Default: Clear)

      This setting only applies to options other than "Once".

      Options: Configure the following properties to allow or restrict the deployment schedule to run on a specific period.
      Create new job if one is running If the next scheduled execution time occurs while a deployment schedule is still running, a new instance can be created. Clear this option to enable only one deployment schedule at a time.

      A new instance of the schedule is not created until the current one is complete.

      Use business calendar Select this option to restrict the deployment schedule running on specific working hours and days. (Default: clear)

      By default, the deployment schedule runs on all calendar days.

    2. On the Notification tab, configure a notification process to indicate if a deployment schedule completed or failed. For example, notify the QA Manager on success, and notify the Deployment Engineer and Development Manager on the failure of the deployment schedule.

      Process Select a process or case.

      Alternatively, click the Create new process link and provide a name for the process. The process is created with the following predefined initialization variables:

      • STATUS (string): At runtime, this variable holds the status as PASS (if the schedule completed) or FAIL (if the schedule failed).

      • SCHEDULE (string): At runtime, this variable holds the deployment schedule name.

      Set the initialization parameters for deployment schedules by mapping a server variable or providing an inline value.

      Notify on success

      Select this option to notify if the schedule completed. (Default: clear)

      • If the deployment fails, the notification process creates a new job.

      • If the deployment succeeds, the notification process creates a new job only when "Notify on success" is selected.

  4. Include the deployment schedule in a package and select the import options.
    1. On the Deployment tab, on the Package list, select a package.
    2. Click the Import options tab and include or exclude the deployment import options as needed.

    For more information on "Deployment" and "Import options", see Deploy a package to a deployment server.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Do either of the following:
    • Click Close.

      The system closes the window, prompting for unsaved changes if any, and the newly created schedule appears on the Deployment schedules page in a locked state.

    • Click Close and unlock.

      The system closes the window, prompting for unsaved changes if any, and the newly created schedule appears on the Deployment schedule page and is unlocked.

Modify a deployment schedule

You can modify a deployment schedule.

  1. On the Deployment schedules page, locate the deployment schedule.
  2. Click the deployment schedule to modify it.
  3. Make changes as needed and click Save.

Delete a deployment schedule

You can delete a deployment schedule.

  1. On the Deployment schedules page, locate the deployment schedule.
  2. On the context menu for the deployment schedule to delete, click Delete.

    On confirmation, the selected deployment schedule is deleted.

View the history of a deployment schedule

You can view the history of a deployment schedule.

  1. On the Deployment schedules page, locate the deployment schedule.
  2. On the context menu for the deployment schedule to view the history, click History.

    The History dialog box is displayed that shows the history of the schedule when it was executed last with the status (progress, completed or failed). If the status is failed, then an option to view the errors is displayed.

  3. Click View for Errors.

    The Errors dialog box is displayed.

  4. If any of the deployment servers fail, on the Deployment server list, select the server for which you want to view the errors.

    The name, type, version and description of the artifact for which the deployment failed, is displayed.

  5. If any of the test cases fail, the process map name in which the test case exists, the deployment status as fail, and the reason for the failure are displayed.

Unlock a deployment schedule

Whenever a deployment schedule is created, it is locked by default so that other resources cannot modify it. You can unlock a deployment schedule to allow modification.

In the deployment schedule list, on the context menu of the deployment schedule to unlock, click Unlock. A message appears stating that the deployment schedule is unlocked, and is available for modification.

You can lock a deployment schedule again. When you open an unlocked deployment schedule, a message appears to confirm whether to lock the deployment schedule. On confirmation, the deployment schedule is locked.