External fax server

Integrate TotalAgility with external fax servers such as RightFax, Kofax Communication Server (KCS) and Biscom so that it can receive documents through Fax after you configure the import connection settings.

Configure the properties of import source and click Save.

The properties of POP3 import source are grouped under the following headings:


Field Description
Type Protocol for the import source. Select External fax server.
Display name Name for the import source.
Active By default, the import source is active.
Error Handling
Message Connector service timeout The timeout value for message processing. This value sets the timeout when calling the Message Connector service. (Default: 1200 seconds (20 minutes). This value is suitable for processing most messages.)

To avoid timeout for messages with longer processing time, increase the timeout value. The maximum allowed value is 86400 seconds (24 hours.)


Field Description
Normalize images and create pages Normalizes the incoming image files to TIFF and creates pages. (Default: Clear)

  • To normalize images and create pages for the images in Import, the "Normalize images and create pages" option is enabled on upgrading TotalAgility from version 7.5.0 or lower. We recommend that you do not select this option for new process maps. Instead, use the Document conversion activity to normalize the images and then create pages for the images. You can also address issues such as scaling and orientation in the Document conversion activity and then use any Capture activities in your process map.

  • The Document conversion activity runs on the Transformation Server (scalable and optimized for heavy loads) that can manage the tasks of converting, splitting images and creating pages efficiently.

Include complete message as EML file Imports an EML file the same as the original email including attachments. (Default: Clear)
Include complete message as MSG file Imports an MSG file the same as the original email including attachments.
Skip importing files

Allows you to set conditions to skip specific files for import. For example, to skip the import of .png files that are less than 10 bytes, do the following:

  1. Click .
  2. In the File extension text box, enter the file extension as .png.
  3. Select an Operator as Less than. (Available options are: Less than and Greater than).
  4. Specify the Size in bytes as 10.
  5. Click Add.

Only the .png files that are less than 10 bytes are skipped. Files greater than or equal to 10 bytes are imported.

To edit the skip import details: Select the record to edit, click , make the required changes, and then click Ok.

To delete the skip import details: Select the record to delete, click , and then click Yes.

Extract referenced MSG/EML files

Allows the import of the nested emails and EML/MSG files along with their attachments.

By default, TotalAgility allows the import of the main email and all types of attached emails in EML/MSG format. This is also applicable to the EML and MSG files which are referenced in the XML files.

This option is selected when upgrading TotalAgility from a lower version.

In case of an XML import, enabling the "Extract referenced MSG/EML" option when "Import content" is set to "Only body" is not a valid scenario.

Fax users to monitor

Field Description
Fax server type Select one of the following types:

  • Biscom: Provide Windows credentials for file share.

  • KCS: When you send an email with an attachment using KCS as a fax server type, TotalAgility only imports the attachment of the email and cannot create a document for the email body.

  • RightFax COM: Provide the Host from where the file will be imported.

  • RightFax Rest WebAPI: When you use RightFax REST as a fax server type, you need to provide the URL from where the file will be imported.

Poll cycle in seconds When should the import connector check for new documents on the mail server. (Minimum/default value = 5 seconds, Maximum value = 86400 seconds)
Host Host name of the fax server.
Credential storage

Select one of the following for authentication in Credential storage.

  • Local (Default) : Enter the User name and Password of the fax server.

  • External: Enter the secret name for the user name and password stored in the configured external storage in the User name secret and Password secret fields respectively.

Test fax server Verify the connection between the import connector and fax server.
Operation mode
Single/Multi instance

Select how to poll the fax server.

  • Single instance: Polls the mailbox with only one Message Connector. Using this value and running multiple connections in parallel may import the same message multiple times to TotalAgility.

  • Multiple instance: Uses multiple Message Connectors to poll the one RightFax This option only applies to "RightFax Rest WebAPI" fax server. When you use this option, a small delay occurs in importing faxes (by default, 60 seconds) to avoid duplicate fax import.

Fax users to monitor

  1. Click. The Add fax users dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select Load users list to fetch the list of all the available fax users.

  3. Select the users as needed. Alternatively, select Add all to add all the users. You can also specify a fax user name in the text box and select Add fax user to add a specific user.

    The selected users appear in the Selected items box.

  4. Select Done.

    The selected users appear in the table under Fax users to monitor.

Removes a specific user in the Selected items box.

Remove all

Removes all the users in the Selected items box.

VRS processing

Field Description
Scan/VRS profile

Name of the Scan/VRS profile.

Apply scan/VRS profile to eDocuments Applies the selected Scan/VRS profile to the documents. (Default: Clear)

Save page PDF data

Splits the original PDF source file into single page PDF files. (Default: Clear)

Notification settings

Send notification emails to the configured email addresses when the document import process is successful, partially successful, and rejected/failed.

Field Description

The email addresses of the recipients to whom you want to send the notification. You can use inline value, server variable, and metadata.


The email addresses of the recipients to whom you want to send a copy of the notification. You can use inline value, server variable, and metadata.


The email addresses of the recipients to whom you want to send a blind copy (the email address of the recipient is not shown to other recipients in the list) of the notification. You can use inline value, server variable, and metadata.


The email address of the sender. You can use inline value, server variable, and metadata.

You can add only one value.

The subject of the email notification. You can use inline value, server variable, and metadata.

Format Format in which the notification email is sent. Available options are:
  • Text: Supports only plain text. Any images, font colors, or tables are not displayed or not displayed as expected.
  • HTML: Supports images, tables, and font formats.

The message included in the email notification. You can use inline value, server variable, and metadata.

Include complete email message as attachment

Attaches the original message (in EML format) to the notification mail. (Default: Clear)

Remove email attachments

Removes attachments from the original email. (Default: Clear)

When Remove email attachments is selected and if the original email does not contains body, an empty email is generated.

For more information on providing values to the To, Cc, Bcc, From, Subject, and Body fields, see Field values.

Field values

You can provide an inline value, server variable, or metadata for the To, Cc, Bcc, From, Subject, and Body fields.

  • To specify an inline value

    Enter the inline value in the text box provided for the To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, and Body fields. For the To, Cc and Bcc fields, delimit each email address with a semicolon when inline value is used. For the From field, use the edit button to enter an inline value.

  • To use a server variable or metadata

    The server variable contains information such as server name, server ID, and server password. For more information, see Server variables. The metadata includes the data from the original message, such as Bcc, CC, and To. To select a server variable or metadata, do the following.

    1. Right-click inside the text box.

      A pop-up window is displayed. By default, the Server variable tab is selected on the left pane.

      For the From field, use the down button to open the pop-up window.

    2. Do the following:
      • To select a server variable, select a category and type to view the list of server variables, and then select a variable.

      • To select metadata, select Metadata on the left pane to view the list of metadata, and then select metadata.

      You can use the Filter search box to search for a server variable or metadata.

The Test connection validation fails if metadata is used in the To field. However, this does not affect sending the email notification, the metadata is resolved while sending the email.

Document archiving

Configure one or more file formats for saving the successfully imported, partially imported, rejected, or failed documents.

Field Description
Successfully imported

Archive folder

Path of a local folder (such as C:\Archive) or a network folder to store the successfully imported documents.


Supported formats for successfully imported documents are:

  • File: Archives the message body in a text file and all attachments in separate files.

  • EML: Archives the message body and the attachments as a single EML file.

  • XML: Archive the message metadata in an XML file (custom Kofax format).

Test archive folder Tests whether the archive folder is configured correctly.
Subfolder and file prefix

The name of the subfolder and prefix for the archived files. You can also add predefined Fields (metadata) as subfolder names and filename prefixes. The value of these metadata is populated at the time of saving the archived files. If you do not add the "\" character in the field, all the fields are appended to the archived file names. For example, if you add {OK}\{Process-ID}, the files are stored in the OK folder with the process ID appended to the filename.

The following fields are available:

Message field Description
OK Name of the subfolder created inside the Archive folder for import.
Hostname Host name of the system where KTA web application is running.
Process-ID The process ID of the MC instance.
Import-Date-Short(YYYY-MM-DD) The date in short format when the mail was imported. For example: 2023-09-20
Import-Date-Long(YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ss) The date in long format including the time when the mail was imported. For example: 2023-09-20 03-45-50
Processmapname The name of Processmap configured in Associated actions.
Processinstance-ID The ID of Processmap configured in Associated actions.
Timestamp(YYYYMMDDhhmmss) The date and time when the mail was imported.
Message-ID A unique ID provided for a message by Message Connector once the message is imported.
MCHostname Host name of the system where Message Connector application is running.

Partially imported
Archive folder

Path of a local folder (such as C:\Archive) or a network folder to store the partially imported documents.


Supported formats for partially imported documents are:
  • File: Archives the message body in a text file and all attachments in separate files.

  • EML: Archives the message body and the attachments as a single EML file.

  • XML: Archives the message metadata in an XML file (custom Kofax format).

Test archive folder Tests whether the archive folder is configured correctly.
Subfolder and file prefix

The name of the subfolder and prefix for the archived files. You can also add predefined Fields (metadata) as subfolder names and filename prefixes. The value of these metadata is populated at the time of saving the archived files. If you do not add the "\" character in the field, all the fields are appended to the archived file names. For example, if you add {PARTIAL}\{Process-ID}, the files are stored in the PARTIAL folder with process ID appended to the filename.

The following fields are available:

Message field Description
OK Name of the subfolder created inside the Archive folder for import.
Hostname Host name of the system where KTA web application is running.
Process-ID The process ID of the MC instance.
Import-Date-Short(YYYY-MM-DD) The date in short format when the mail was imported. For example: 2023-09-20
Import-Date-Long(YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ss) The date in long format including the time when the mail was imported. For example: 2023-09-20 03-45-50
Processmapname The name of Processmap configured in Associated actions.
Processinstance-ID The ID of Processmap configured in Associated actions.
Timestamp(YYYYMMDDhhmmss) The date and time when the mail was imported.
Message-ID A unique ID provided for a message by Message Connector once the message is imported.
MCHostname Host name of the system where Message Connector application is running.


Archive folder

Path of a local folder (such as C:\Archive) or a network folder to store the failed/rejected documents.

Format Supported formats for rejected or failed documents are:
  • File: Archives the message body in a text file and all attachments in separate files.

  • EML: Archives the message body and the attachments as a single EML file.

  • XML: Archive the message metadata in an XML file (custom Kofax format).

Test archive folder Tests whether the archive folder is configured correctly.
Subfolder and file prefix

The name of the subfolder and prefix for the archived files. You can also add predefined Fields (metadata) as subfolder names and filename prefixes. The value of these metadata is populated at the time of saving the archived files. If you do not add the "\" character in the field, all the fields are appended to the archived file names. For example, if you add {REJECTED}\{Process-ID}, the files are stored in the REJECTED folder with process ID appended to the filename.

The following fields are available:

Message field Description
OK Name of the subfolder created inside the Archive folder for import.
Hostname Host name of the system where KTA web application is running.
Process-ID The process ID of the MC instance.
Import-Date-Short(YYYY-MM-DD) The date in short format when the mail was imported. For example: 2023-09-20
Import-Date-Long(YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ss) The date in long format including the time when the mail was imported. For example: 2023-09-20 03-45-50
Processmapname The name of Processmap configured in Associated actions.
Processinstance-ID The ID of Processmap configured in Associated actions.
Timestamp(YYYYMMDDhhmmss) The date and time when the mail was imported.
Message-ID A unique ID provided for a message by Message Connector once the message is imported.
MCHostname Host name of the system where Message Connector application is running.

Scenarios when a message may be partially imported

  • "Normalize non-PDF e-documents to PDF/A" is enabled and the incoming message contains a file that cannot be normalized, such as a DAT file.

  • A fax is partially received (fax with a reception error.)

  • Documents for which the PDF/A normalization failed.

  • "Normalize non-PDF e-documents to PDF/A" and "Normalize incoming PDF documents to PDF/A" are enabled, and an email with an attached password-protected file is ingested through Message Connector.

  • “Unpack archives” is selected in the Message Connector configuration, and an email with an attached password-protected file is ingested through Message Connector.

  • The message attachment has document conversion errors.

    A document with conversion errors is imported as original file and is available in the workflow. Conversion of any non-supported document (.dat,.xyz,.psz) fails with document conversion error.

Scenarios when a message import may fail

  • "Normalize non-PDF e-documents to PDF/A" and “Concatenate multiple PDF files” are enabled, and the incoming message contains a BIN/DAT file as an attachment.

  • "Normalize non-PDF e-documents to PDF/A", "Normalize incoming PDF documents to PDF/A", and “Concatenate multiple PDF files” are enabled, and an email with an attached password-protected file is ingested through Message Connector.

  • When the XML fields are mapped to the TotalAgility fields, “Map XML fields to TotalAgility fields and reject on mismatch” is enabled and there is some difference in the fields specified in the XML file.

  • "Normalize non-PDF e-documents to PDF/A", "Normalize incoming PDF documents to PDF/A", and “Concatenate multiple PDF files” are enabled, and an email with an attached password-protected file is ingested through Message Connector.

  • “Unpack archives” is selected in Message Connector configuration, "Normalize non-PDF e-documents to PDF/A", and “Concatenate multiple PDF files” are enabled in TotalAgility Designer, and an email with an attached password-protected file is ingested through Message Connector.

  • Any of the message attachment content is null.

  • The process map is not available for an import source.

Associated actions

Associate an action with the import source so that a job can be created at runtime for the Successfully imported, Partially imported, and Rejected/Failed documents.

On the Job type list, Create new job is selected by default.

  1. On the Process list, select a process or case.

    If the selected process or case map has any initialization variables, the parameters appear under Initialization variables.

    For rejected/failed or partially imported documents, only the metadata of the documents is passed to the relevant processes. When configuring such process maps, you can then map the metadata. Additionally, in case of rejected/failed documents, the original content of an EML is added as a document to the Job.

  2. To map the parameters to the initialization variables, on the Mapping list of the initialization variable, select a dynamic value or click and enter a static value.