
Configure the general properties of a form.

Property Description

Name for the form.

A form name must be valid. For example, the form name cannot be "Open" or "Close". If the form name is invalid, a message appears.


Title to appear on the form.


Category to store the form. By default, the user's working category is displayed.

Width mode

Displays the width mode set in the system settings by default. You can change the default setting. Available options are:

  • Fixed: The Width in pixels. You can accept the default width or specify a custom width. (Default: 1300)

  • Percentage: The Width of the form in percentage to display the form relative to the browser window. (Default: 100%)

  • If you add a cell or control to a cell in percentage mode, you can modify the width as a percentage. (Default: 100%)

  • A label associated with control always has a fixed width.

  • If a form is set in percentage mode, resizing the browser window resizes the controls.

  • If you add a column or a cell to a form and the existing items are less than 98% in total (percentage or pixels), the new column or cell takes up the remaining space (to a total of 98%). The width of existing columns or cells does not change.

  • You cannot add a new column or a cell to a form if the existing items on the form are greater than 98% in total (percentage or pixels). You must resize the existing cells or columns to allow space for the new ones in the form.

Design height

The height of the canvas on which the form is designed.

The Design width and Design height properties are only available for forms where the width mode is set to a percentage.

Responsive form

If selected, the form is responsive at runtime and adjusts itself to suit the device it is viewed on.

When you view a form in a browser and the screen or the browser window is wider than it is tall, the form is displayed as it is in the Designer.

When you view a form in a browser and the screen or the browser window is taller, the form elements are displayed as follows:

  • Columns are displayed vertically rather than horizontally.

  • Cells within a row are displayed vertically rather than horizontally.

  • Menus display arrows to navigate to the menu items that do not fit.

When you resize the browser window between wide and tall, you must refresh the window for the form to be redrawn.


Positions the form relative to the window it is presented in from the left, center, or right.

Use viewport If selected, controls the display of a form on a phone or tablet device. By default, all the properties are set to blank.

The Expand to Fit and Use Viewport properties are mutually exclusive. You can enable either property on a form.

Configure the properties, as needed.

  • Width: Either use "device-width" to set the viewport to the physical width of the device screen or enter the number of pixels.

  • Height: Either use "device-height" to set the viewport to the physical height of the device screen or enter the number of pixels.

  • Initial scale: The initial zoom of the web page. A value of 1.0 indicates no zoom.

  • Max scale: The maximum level to zoom on a web page. A value of 1.0 indicates the user cannot zoom in.

  • Min scale: The minimum level to zoom out a web page. A value of 1.0 indicates the user cannot zoom out.

  • User scalable: If selected, allows the user to zoom in and out of a web page.

    Zoom does not work for a touch-enabled form.

Header and navigation menus
Header form

The form to use as a header. Either accept the default header for the site or select a custom (Other) header for this form.

Horizontal menu

Displays the navigation menu horizontally in real-time. You can either accept the default navigation set for the site or select a custom (Other) navigation menu.

The navigation menu must already be created before it can be associated with a form. See Create a navigation.

For a tablet or a phone form, you can only use a vertical navigation menu. The horizontal navigation menu is unavailable for touch forms.

Vertical menu

Displays the navigation menu vertically in real-time. You can either accept the default navigation set for the site or select a custom (Other) navigation menu.

The navigation menu must already be created before it can be associated with a form. See Create a navigation.

For a tablet or a phone form, you can only use a vertical navigation menu. The horizontal navigation menu is unavailable for touch forms.

If you select the custom navigation menu, you can set the following properties:

  • Collapsible: Whether the vertical menu is collapsible (Default: Collapsible).

  • Collapsed: If the vertical menu is collapsible, on opening the form, whether the menu is expanded or collapsed. (Default: Expanded).

The Collapsible and Collapsed properties only apply to the vertical menu in desktop, and non-touch phone and tablet forms.

When you open the form at run time:

  • The menu items appear in the side pane.

  • The Hamburger icon appears in the top right.

  • If you have selected the "Collapsible" option in the Designer, any icons associated with the menu items are displayed even when the menu is collapsed. If you click an icon, the associated form opens. You can also expand the menu to see the sub menu and menu item name along with the icon.

  • If no icons are associated with any of the menu items, only the Hamburger icon appears.

  • The icon appears against a menu item only if it is associated with the menu item.

The properties under Header and navigation menus do not apply to Document and Folder forms.