Debug a process

You can debug a process and identify any issues much quicker when developing a solution.

  1. Navigate to Workflow > Business processes.

    A list of processes is displayed.

  2. On the context menu of the process to debug, click Debug. Alternatively, open the process and click Debug on the process modeling bar.

    The Debug page opens. The process type, such as Business Process, and the process name are displayed.

  3. Enter the initialization variable values.

    If a folder or a document initialization variable is used, you can select either option to upload the documents:

    • New: Click Browse and select one or more documents depending on the initialization variable (document or folder) used.

      • If a document variable is used, a new document instance is created and you can upload only one document.

      • If a folder variable is used, a new folder is created where you can upload multiple documents.

    • Existing: You can use an existing folder or a document to upload. For example, you may have a folder that contains multiple documents that have been classified and data extracted and you want to use it for debugging. You can provide an instance ID (document or folder) or leave it empty. (Folder: It creates empty folder with no documents; Document: It creates a default empty document)

    If a data object initialization variable is used, the controls for the fields within the data object variable are displayed. You can set values for the initialization data.

    TotalAgility does not support the following variable types in a debug mode:

    • Complex

    • Dynamic complex

    • Checklist

    • Data backbone

    • System

  4. Click Start.

    The process map opens in debug mode in a new window as shown below. Debug a process

    A job is created and displayed like the View job behavior in the TotalAgility Workspace. An asynchronous job is created for a business rule and a synchronous process.

    In the debug mode, the nodes are always displayed in the default color (blue) even if the node colors are set at the system or process level.

    The Debug toolbar is displayed.Debug toolbar

    The Debug toolbar includes the following tools.

    Tool Name Description


    Debugs the process.

    Show Job History

    Displays the job history. You can view how the process arrived at its current state with the information, such as node name, status, a resource who performed the job, the date when the job was performed, time spent, and cost.

    Show Variables

    Displays all the variables for the job. You can change the variable values.

    For an embedded process, variables for both parent and the embedded process are available. For a subjob, only the subjob variables are available.

    You can also view and update the input and output variables for each activity - click the activity and click Show variables.

    If a process in a debug mode contains a Scan capture activity, you can view the input and output variables, and upload one or more documents depending on whether the variable is a Document type or Folder type.

    Show Milestones

    Displays all the current milestones set for the process. You can change the target date and/or actual date of the milestones.

    Show States

    Displays all the current states defined for the process. You can change the current state of the job.

    When you debug a fragment and try to update the state within the fragment, the following message appears: The state of the case definition was changed successfully.

    You can see the updated state in the case definition change state history.

    Show Events

    Displays all the current events defined for the process. You can raise an event.


    Displays the following job summary: Job ID, primary map name, primary map version, a resource who created the job, job creation date, job status, and job finish time. Also displays the activity information. For example, for a Generative AI activity, displays the input and response so that you can determine if the response is correct.

    Re-evaluate Skin

    Opens the Re-evaluate Skin dialog box where you can update variable values and live activities.

    Expected Finish Time

    Opens the Edit Expected Finish Time dialog box that displays the expected finish date time to complete the job. You can update the expected finish time if needed.


    Opens the Edit Floating Role Resources dialog box that displays the list of floating roles.

    Process Design Notes

    Opens the Add Process Design Notes dialog box where you can add notes for your process.

    Zoom Slider

    Zooms in or out of the process map.


    Displays an overview of the job in a panel. You can navigate (pan or zoom) to a particular activity.

    Zoom to fit

    Adjusts the entire process on screen so that it is completely visible without scrollbars.


    Displays the map in the vertical orientation.


    Displays the color legend for each job status.


    Refreshes the page.

    View Previous

    Displays the previous process map

  5. To set a breakpoint, click the activity and select Set breakpoint.

    The red square mark in the activity indicates a breakpoint. Once you set a breakpoint, the Remove breakpoint option becomes available. To remove a breakpoint, click the activity and select the option as needed.

    When you remove or restart the breakpoint, the first breakpoint is ignored and the execution of the activity is stopped at the next breakpoint.

  6. Click to debug the process.

    • Manual activities and the Export activity are executed as Synchronization nodes.

    • Automatic activities including business rule activities, embedded processes, and subjobs are executed as they would in a normal mode. The execution stops at the next node that has a breakpoint set, and execution continues when you click "Go". The job progresses only when all dependents are met.

    • When debugging SignDoc and KCM activities you must set breakpoints on them to force them to be executed, otherwise they are performed like Synchronization nodes. Setting the breakpoints allows the debugging execution to stop and wait for a callback from SignDoc and KCM servers.

    • When debugging a Generative AI activity, if the activity fails and the additional information is returned from the provider, those details with input and response are displayed. At runtime, a job note displays the same details .

  7. If the execution stops due to a breakpoint, you can step through activities to restart the job - click the node and click either option:
    • Restart next: Executes the current node and stops at the next node.

    • Restart here: Restarts the job accordingly.

  8. Click Close to close the Debug mode.