Manage a server variable

You can create, modify, and delete a server variable and view server variable associations on the Server variables page.

To open the Server variables page, navigate to System data > Server variables.

Create a server variable

Create server variables in the same manner as process variables.

  1. On the Server variables page, click New.

    The New server variable dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the Category in which to place your server variable.

    The default is the working category for the current user.

  3. Enter a unique Name for the variable, such as COMPANY_NAME. The variable name should be a maximum of 50 characters without any spaces.
    By default, the name of the variable becomes the ID of the variable; however, you can change the ID if needed.
  4. Enter a unique ID for the variable, such as CUSTID.
    For the naming convention of name and ID, see Name conventions.
  5. On the Type list, select the data type for the variable, such as Complex. (Default: String)

    Available data types are:

  6. Select, enter, or configure a Value for the variable.

    • To provide a dynamic value, at runtime, leave the Value empty.

    • In some nodes such as Email, C#, VBNET, and Decision, plain text is being replaced by variable with the same name. For example, if you have a variable called ID and if you type the text VOID, the plain text will be replaced by VO[ID]. This only happens at design time; at runtime the values validate and appear correctly.

  7. Select Secure to protect the server variables of type String and Nullable string so that values (for example, passwords) that are not human-readable can be stored as encrypted values. However, these values can be decrypted as needed within TotalAgility.

    • This option is only available if the data type is String or Nullable string.

    • When creating or editing an encrypted server variable, the value is initially visible; on reloading the variable, this value is hidden.

    • Clearing the checkbox for Secure clears the value on confirmation.

    • If you use an encrypted server variable in an automatic activity, the value of the variable is decrypted at runtime.

    • Do not use a secure server variable as input or output to a manual activity.

  8. Click Save.

    The variable appears on the Server variables page.

Modify a server variable

You can modify a server variable. If the list is long, you can locate the variable to modify.

  1. On the Server variables page, to display the variables within a specific category, select the category on the Category list.

    Alternatively, to display a specific variable, enter the name of the variable in the Search field and click .

  2. Click the variable to modify.

    The Edit server variable dialog box is displayed.

  3. Make changes as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a server variable

On the Server variables page, on the context menu for the variable to delete, click Delete.

On confirmation, the selected variable is deleted.

View server variable associations

On the Server variables page, on the context menu for which to view the associations, click Associations.

The Variable associations dialog box displays the list of all the process maps and activities using the selected variable under the Process and Activity tabs respectively.

Click OK to close the dialog box.