Configure a CMIS find document activity
Use the following procedure to configure a CMIS find document activity.
Add an activity to the map.
By default, the Configuration tab is open in the properties panel of the activity.
- Change the default Name of the activity to something meaningful.
- On the Type list, select .
Configure the following properties.
Location CMIS site The CMIS-compliant site and the CMIS web service URL.
Repository The folder in which to find the documents, such as Shared documents.
A list of documents from the selected folder appears on the Type list.
Type The document type.
The relevant list of metadata populates.
Search criteria The search criteria to use.
Right-click on the editor to enter your search criteria.
- The rule editor supports the following operators: AND, OR, and <>.
- Specify string or date literals in single quotes. For example, Name(Metadata) = 'document1' ; CreationDate(Metadata)= '2009-11-11'
- Use any of the following formats for LIKE and NOT LIKE
- NAME LIKE '%aa(processvariable)'
- NAME LIKE 'aa(processvariable)%'
- NAME LIKE '%aa(processvariable)%'
Result Document details The variable that stores the search results.
- Save the process map.