Create a navigation

Create navigation by adding menus, and submenus to navigate from one form to another. You can also add a separator between the menus and allow or deny access to a menu item.

  1. Navigate to User interface > Navigations.
  2. Click New.
    The New navigation menu dialog box is displayed. The Menu1 (root menu), MainMenu1, and Sub-Menu1 within MainMenu1 are displayed by default.
  3. Configure the following properties for the root menu.
    • Name: The navigation name, such as Database.

    • Category: The category of navigation. (Default: Working category of the logged-on user)

      A sub-category, Management Console is available under the TotalAgility Forms category.

    • Width: The width of navigation to display at runtime. (Default: 150)

    • Height: The height of navigation to display at runtime. (Default: 30)

  4. Add menu and submenu items.
  5. Add a separator if needed.
  6. Assign access permissions to allow or deny access to a menu item.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Set the horizontal and vertical navigation in a form to display the new navigation at runtime. See Form properties.

Add menu and submenu items

When you create navigation, a menu item (MainMenu1) within the root menu and a submenu item (Sub-Menu1.1) within the main menu item are added by default. You can add more menu and submenu items.

  1. To create a main menu item, select the root menu, or to create a submenu item, select the main menu item.
  2. Click .
    The properties are displayed in the properties panel.
  3. In the Menu item name field, enter a name for the menu item.
  4. In the Shortcut field, enter single (such as C for Copy command) or a combination of keys to allow opening a menu quickly using the keyboard.
  5. To add an image along with a name use a custom image or an existing image from the store.
    • To use a custom image, enter an image name or the URL to the image in the Image name field.
      For on-premise TotalAgility, the image needs to reside in <Installation location>\Kofax\TotalAgility\Agility.Server.Web\Forms\Images.
    • To use an existing image, select Load image from store and select an image from the Image name list.
      For TotalAgility in Azure, use a predefined (custom) image provided by TotalAgility, enter the image name or the URL to the image.
    At runtime, the image appears to the left of the menu item name.
  6. Configure the following properties for Redirect.
    1. To specify the target for redirecting the menu item, select one of the options for Type.
      Option Description

      Use this option to redirect a menu item to an internal form.

      1. On the Target list, select the required form.
      2. To configure which data to pass into the target form, map the initialization variables by selecting the global variables or providing static values in the Value fields.

      Global variables are used to store and transport data from one form to another.

      Use this option to redirect a menu item to an external form.

      Enter the URL of the external form, such as, in the Target field.

      Alternatively, enter the page name to redirect the menu item to a custom page.

      TotalAgility only supports custom files of HTML and javascript types.

      Use this option to redirect a menu item to the Insight Studio.

      Select the specific Insight view/chart in the Target field.

      The Insight option is only available if Insight is installed in TotalAgility. This option is not available in an Azure environment.
    2. To configure where the form should open, select one of the options for Window.
      Option Description
      New window

      Displays the form in a new window.

      Popup window

      Displays the form as a pop-up.

      1. Select the window to modal or modeless.
        • Modeless: This type allows the user to click outside the pop-up window to close the window and return to the main form.
        • Modal (default): This type prevents the user from clicking on the main form unless they have closed the pop-up window.
      2. Specify the width of the pop-up window. (Default: 800)
      3. Specify the height of the pop-up window. (Default: 500)

      Populating data is supported only by a single pop-up.
      Same window

      Redirects the form to the same window. You can choose to load the entire page or content only.

      • Entire page: Displays the form on the entire page.

      • Content only: Displays only the content of the form and not the header and the navigation panel. To allow the content to refresh each time a change is made, select Refresh content.

  7. Add more menus and submenus as needed.
  8. Use to reorder the menu and submenu items.
    To remove a menu or submenu item, select the item and click . You cannot remove the root menu.
  9. Click Save.

Add a separator

Adding separators between the different menu and submenu items helps in improving the readability and the user experience in general.

  1. Select the menu item where you want to add a separator.
  2. For Type, select Separator.

    A line is added after the menu or submenu item.

  3. Click Save.

Assign access permissions to menu and submenu items

Configure access permissions to allow or deny access to a menu or submenu item. Set the access based on the user's role, department, and security permissions. For example, in an in-house leave tracking system, only managers can access menu options to run reports on absences due to sick leave and planned leaves. Other users cannot access these options.

  1. Select the menu or submenu for which to assign access permissions.
  2. In the properties panel, click the Access permissions tab.
  3. Select either option for Access.

    Option Description

    Allow everyone except

    Allows access to everyone except the selected resources.

    Deny everyone except

    Denies access to everyone except the selected resources.

  4. Select the resources that should be allowed or denied access.
    1. Click Add for Resources.
    2. Select the required individuals and/or groups.
    3. Click Done.
  5. Click Save.