Translate the elements into supported languages

You can translate categories, error codes, forms, global variables, navigation, page renditions, processes, skins, SLA, and work types up to 215 languages for translation in TotalAgility.

  1. Navigate to Translation.
  2. On the Translate list, select an element, such as Process. See the example below.

    The items for the selected item appear in the Base language (the language the item was created in).

  3. Click Translate.

    The Translation: <element name> dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click Add languages to add the languages as needed and click Done.

    For every selected language:

    • A column is added for the entry of the translated text.

    • The Translate using Generative AI link appears.

  5. Do either of the following:
    • Enter the equivalent term for each element in the columns for the supported languages and click Save.

      When you add a language and provide translation, at runtime all the data appears in the correct language set for the browser either through browser settings or through the Language selector control. If translations are not available for the browser language, then the elements are displayed in the base language. The Language selector control selections are based on the languages supported by the site.

    • To translate the elements using the Generative AI functionality, click the Translate using Generative AI link.

      The base language elements are passed to the configured AI provider and the translated elements returned by Generative AI appear in the respective columns for each selected language accordingly.

      To use the Generative AI functionality, you must have already configured the AI provider integration in the Integration menu. See Integrate Generative AI with TotalAgility.

  6. Click Save.

    The resource files for translation are generated; you can view the item as it would appear in the supported languages at runtime.