Create a patch package

Use the following procedure to create a Patch package.

  1. Navigate to Packages > Patch packages.
    The Patch packages page appears.
  2. Click New.
    A patch package opens in a new browser tab.
  3. On the properties panel, configure patch package properties, similar to package properties.
  4. You can add items to a patch package, similar to adding items to a package.
  5. Save the patch package.

    The newly created patch package is saved to the working category of the user and locked by default.

  6. Do either of the following:
    • Click Close.

      The newly created patch package appears on the patch packages page in a locked state. However, you can unlock a patch package as needed. See Unlock a package.

    • Click Close and unlock.

      The newly created patch package appears on the patch packages page and is unlocked.